Message from @Georgos II Of Greece
Discord ID: 545648113273143317
Just another mutt monarch thats related to victoria and christian ix
Just bc she was a prussian princess doesnt mean she is german by nationality
Her name was sophie of prussia @Georgos II Of Greece
German ethnically
And she was greek
Prussia is the nationality
She was born in athens
Ok mb
What about georgos I
Son of wittlesbach?
Sophie was daughtef of friderick III @Georgos II Of Greece
Fk outta here
Nig nog
She was born in potsdam
Monarchism and a Government both work very well, as Monarchism can lead to an individual choice in rule, which can be very successful and beneficial, but in contrast in can also create a very fascist, totalitarian dictatorship. So I don't support monarchism purely because I'm a traditionalist conservative and I think that current democracy and government leadership works just fine, whereas monarchism is more of a coin toss; either it gets better or gets worse.
Greek monarchs are german
He was born in Athens too
@ᛋᛉKLOᚢ youre just trying to Expose me arent you?
Georgos I was born in copenhagen
I think you need to leave instead
Macedonia is joining nato and possibly the EU
Greece is gay anyways
So are the balkans
National Security
National Socialism
Coincidence? I think not
Jews stay winning
Whites stay whining
pfft wow