Message from @Dangerlurking
Discord ID: 287403040846249986
People desire freedom.
But the more you give the more they demand.
Meaning the best system is one in which people think they are free while being drained of resources.
See: Democracy.
A gov without rights is easier to manage, but people eventually force the gov to give them rights or they will start violent uprisings.
And once people have rights they start doing stupid things like surgically altering themselves into genderless aliens, or vote for Bernie sanders.
@Verm I don't get what you are trying to convey
He's implying you're a Molyneaux-esque ancap.
At least I don't shout "NOT AN ARGUMENT"
You don't?
It's really fun, especially when they're not arguing with you.
"I'm kinda leaning towards the new star wars movie but I'm up for seeing pretty much anything..."
What do you mean?
It's even more fun when they're doing any nonargumentative thing
Or as an answer to a question
"I really like chocolate ice cream, but I think that maybe I should get choc mint. What do you think?"
Actually, the answer to that is mint chocolate chip mixed with cookie dough
Mint works with many things, and ice cream is not one of them.
Mint is the best chocolate addition flavour.
Followed by orange.
Are you going to mail me a "sample pack" of mint ice cream to prove me wrong?
I ain't mailin all that shit, nigga
coffee ice cream is superior
prove me wrong fags
Haup is right
Chocolate is the best ice cream.
Coffee is a weakness.
@Chancellor Vanilla is best
Stopping for caf ic before work now
Vanilla is weak as fuck.