Message from @Verm
Discord ID: 278934493006659584
Anyone here like tumblr?
@🅱arD the more appropriate question
@Rhalitra-WI time to start tor
@cr00kz I personally hate tumblr with a fucking passion tbh
Hmm, looks like I can't post with tor but can still browse. Weird.
I thought tor wasn't secure anymore
Or is that just a dumb cunts tale?
Fucking kek
morn @Schlomo Sheckleberg
I watch Isis execution videos and hitler speeches/best gore on my unis wifi
Idc if they track me
I'm already on watch lists
I think we all are on some type of list
You're sure as fuck on mine.
would craigslist again
Would it be wise to hire a hooker to clean my house?
If she is an undercover cop will she stay undercover while she cleans?
The only way you can make sure if she's hispanic.
Had a good chuckle at that one
Especially cause almost everyone in my class is mestizo except for 4 of us who are white
What are you, a racist?
I'm not racist, I just don't like niggers
Tbh if I was a southern slave owner in the 1850's I'd have slave parties
And like a dance off and if you win you get a coupon that gets you out of either one day's work or pardens you from a whipping
That's where it's at bro. #plantationlyfe
I jest tho.
Hell ya, I'd have a game show too, like are you smarter than a slave? And you can build up your prizes, like the lower tier prizes would be dinner with master, then it builds up all the way to being freed
Y-ya, I'm just jesting as well...
@animeisrael join antifa subversion channel