Message from @CaduceusImperium
Discord ID: 278004707484499968
Sure, but that can be decided later.
exactly @Moonman if we're going to be more centrist we need to have a more centrist name
This is a coalition
Lol wtf
We're anticom because the commies are becoming violent, peaceful commies should be able to be idiots if they want
Do you understand what coalition means?
Who are these newfags trying to determine the nature, role, and scope of AntiCom
>a more centrist name
What the fuck
@ATG Nah, AntiCom works due to the deeply ingrained distaste for comunism that already exists in much of the US and Western Europe, why do you think all the current left ideas are different forms of socialism
@D3VNT ask @gabe_brouse
most centrists can barely be bothered to vote, I doubt anybody is gonna turn up ready to take a punch or get maced in the face
about what
So do we
**We are literally an anti-communist group and that is it, we are not advocating a political ideology. We are all here with a mutual hatred of commies**
**We are literally an anti-communist group and that is it, we are not advocating a political ideology. We are all here with a mutual hatred of commies**
It's been discussed to death
And anything more is impotent larping at this point
what's ideological about white shirt + red hat + jeans?
Yeah, I'm out until the clucking subsides.
We don't have many now but sticking to strict ideals and policing those in our group that break said ideals will help us earn more followers
@Jarimus I mean focus on something like freedom, liberty, and all that. Still focus on anticom but maybe not in the name. I just feel like it'd be easier to attract more normalfags
>guy says he's out
>still here
erry time
@Captain Foley Please no, you actually are instrumental in keeping things on track
@all Newbies need to add state abbreviation to the end of their Nickname
@D3VNT There is no structure here. It's the worst kind of direct democracy.
There is, though
remember that a gadsden cap is pretty much nazi to most people
We're still setting shit up, this is sort of a dump discord while we get things in place
You included
@jarimus i'll trust you. could just be because i'm in uni and surrounded by commies
Did it