Message from @FashyGoy1488

Discord ID: 396392786561204235

2017-12-29 19:38:11 UTC  

They had high caffeine chocolate.

2017-12-29 19:38:58 UTC  

New report by Avi Blumenthalstein: Hitler, the Raging Chocoholic

2017-12-29 19:39:12 UTC  

Anything he may have done would have been mild compared to today's amphetamines. Helps improve focus and drive, like we use coffee today

2017-12-29 19:39:23 UTC  

Making Hitler into anything less than a demigod should be worthy of physical punishment.

2017-12-29 19:39:36 UTC  

Even the gods had human flaws

2017-12-29 19:40:32 UTC  

actually it would probably be mroe like Red Bull is today than coffee

2017-12-29 19:41:46 UTC  

Itd be interesting to look into. I'm not big into the history of recreational drugs

2017-12-29 19:42:12 UTC  

But let's all agree that Hitler wasn't
in his office snorting ice or some stupid shit like that

2017-12-29 19:52:01 UTC  

"A well-known Sex Robot philosopher who recently spoke at the Sex Robots Conference in London has said that pedophiles should be given “child sex bots” (CSBs) to prevent them from having sex with real children. Marc Behrendt of ULB University in Belgium claims, that despite the immoral aspect, pedophiles having sex with child sex robots is an inevitability."

2017-12-29 19:55:13 UTC  

ANNOUNCEMENT: I now except Bitcoin (duh), Bitcoin Cash, Etherium, and Litecoin

2017-12-29 19:55:19 UTC  

Sven longshanks is going after Mike Enoch on the latest Daily Traditionalist.

2017-12-29 19:55:26 UTC  

Drama drama

2017-12-29 19:59:47 UTC  

Say what you will about Mike, but in all honesty, Longshanks is starting to annoy me lol

2017-12-29 20:00:27 UTC  

@FashyGoy1488 how old are you? Jw

2017-12-29 20:00:52 UTC  


2017-12-29 20:00:55 UTC  

@Commander Davis (TWP) eeehhhhhhhhhhh

2017-12-29 20:02:55 UTC  

And now Longshanks is bashing Heimbach. Oh lord

2017-12-29 20:03:11 UTC  

@Odalman is Sven upset that TWP is doing a show on TRS now?

2017-12-29 20:03:14 UTC  

How so? Lol

2017-12-29 20:03:24 UTC  

He would be....

2017-12-29 20:03:37 UTC  

Wtf... come on sven i been vouchin for your ass fpr years and now this?

2017-12-29 20:03:59 UTC  

I guess i gotta listen to latest DT

2017-12-29 20:04:19 UTC  

Back to my stance that I really dont like Brits, even though i fight for them lol

2017-12-29 20:04:25 UTC  

What’s the link on the Daily traditionalist episode you’re mentioning ?

2017-12-29 20:04:32 UTC  

Yeah he was fucking burnt that I "advertised" TRS on the show the other day.

2017-12-29 20:04:37 UTC  

Itll be on da jewtube

2017-12-29 20:04:44 UTC  

Yes, Longshanks is claiming Enoch is a Jew and he's subverting the movement and poaching podcasters.

2017-12-29 20:05:05 UTC  


2017-12-29 20:05:14 UTC  


2017-12-29 20:05:14 UTC  

He can get onboard or find himself boxed out

2017-12-29 20:05:22 UTC  

Bye bye radio aryan

2017-12-29 20:05:33 UTC  


2017-12-29 20:05:34 UTC  

He’s mad because the new show won’t have a Sven Cam

2017-12-29 20:05:35 UTC  

He'll be fine I'm sure. I like sven and think he's done great work. The movement isn't being subverted. We're just using another platform to help spread our message.

2017-12-29 20:05:43 UTC  

I like that guy too. He's a bit of an oddball but he's really well read

2017-12-29 20:05:59 UTC  

We didn't even say we were going to quit radio aryan either.

2017-12-29 20:06:24 UTC  

But literally why would we not take every opportunity we get?

2017-12-29 20:06:52 UTC  

Exactly. We can't limit the spread of our message due to baseless accusations

2017-12-29 20:07:00 UTC  

I bought us the Talmud goys. The whole thing.

2017-12-29 20:07:05 UTC  

I think you guys are doing the right thing