Message from @ghostofthevolk
Discord ID: 401978047823216641
He was into weird sexual shit.
and james manson was a prison faggot
i did nuffin wrng
im statring a hatereon for the damage to Dr.Cocopuffs image
@Dr.Cocopuff | KY don't be a dummy in the future I like you
Is Tharonis Unbanned yet?
plz send money
I haven't gotten confirmation that Confessor invited him
We beat whoever invited the faggots with a iron rod at the next event.
we was Strassers n shit
Throw spammers in blenders
He's unbanned
I was a cuckservative then liberal beame libratarian and went nat soc
; 3 ;
God, the fucking Communist shit is old as fuck.
did you guys vote in the alst general election?
>follow NATSOC doctorine the closest of any group >YoUrE cOmMuNiSt
theres a lot of people who do the whole "voting is useless" thing is all
Im confuse on my vote as im confurse if accelleration is the way or not
When did @reinhard heydrich get here? Are we sure that's the real one?
back from the center of the earth
lot of new people today
@reinhard heydrich 's account was just made today
Force him to talk in voice chat.
@reinhard heydrich get in here and talk, or get out
Nah I'll just kick him
@Hadrian hows Agartha doing
the new face of this anti-racist group looking to stomp out white supreemacists
PM me if I need to ban anybody else