Message from @HueTheHand
Discord ID: 350849888575029248
The trouble is the water and power still works, and you can still buy a loaf of break for 1.50
Loaf of break
I think the outreach IE does makes them a good entry point
Normies getting used to seeing pro white messaging that they do it's a good thing, even if they're not ready to take the natsoc pill
A lot of kids do fist join IS then see us in action and come over after Cvill I know a few IE that are looking on coming to us one Proud boy also
Get normies used to at least pictures of statues, I wouldn't necessarily understand this is even pro-white message unless I knew to associate Roman statues with alt right Roman Empire fans.
I just advocate sending the strongest possible pro-white message. Even if you're not ready to swallow it, you'll get "used to it" like Hadrian said.
Another example is DailyStormer which reaches 400x more people than AmRen, again not despite of the tone, but because of it. Radical doesn't equal having smaller appeal necessarily.
We're at the point where having multiple different approaches helps
I think I may have posted this before, but I'll repost it as it is relevant to the conversation. @Kombat-Unit
Post-double drinks at the pub in a TWP polo nationalism
on gab, @wocassity says this "Disrupt the counter protector actions by changing/shifting plans."
I'd like to hear opinions on that. Not the article per se, but the tactic of forcing them to mobilize resources.... feigned rallies.
TBH it looks bad fore the right and emboldens the left
Thanks. I wanted honest opinions
They get to say one more time we win and the "Nazis" louse thus making them stronger
The best plan I see is to do flash rallies / secret rallies with out telling the government just showing up with speakers and equipment and doing it fast and then getting oitb
yes flash rallies is a good strategy.
I'd like to see other groups do it too. Perhaps NSM.
Gotta run now goys. ttyl.
/pol/ does it again.
We need dossiers on these scum.
did you see his last two videos?
he talked mad shit / signaled hard against National Socialism / Hitler / Germany / Etc.. haha
I wrecked him in the comments.
I hate that smug faggot.
He should be gassed.
Petting to the gods for any of our goys on the gulf cost of TX the storm is still getting stronger