Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 520356387281174528
News calls people nazis
The thing that fucks this server up is that Ted K is popular
Ted K
I must be way out of the loop
And this server is called The Freedom Club but this server isn't even named after that. It's named the Freedom Club because we love freedom
And freedom ain't free. The post office told me that.
Not "muh merica"
Based capitalism
Fights the overpopulation
The robot uprising has begun
The robot proletariat is coming to end the bourgousies human race.
required watching
Lol just don't work for Amazon
What did he mean by that bigthink
He's actually saying that Jews earned their power. He's wrong because nepotism of course plays a bigger role than he's trying to say.
It's a roundabout cuckyness
Is this
>muh Jews stinky lmao
Posting I see
No one here likes Jews
We also don't like white people.
Glad I'm not white then
We should only accept the women as refugees
I dislike any form of "we are chosen by God"ism. Whether it's from a Baptist priest in a tent or a Jew in a synagogue.
That mentality is why (((they))) are winning
wdym hmm
here's some quotes from the councillor:
“Muslims, unless they are mixed families, they don’t have Christmas trees in their homes. Jewish people, like me, don’t have Christmas trees in their homes,” Isitt said.
"'I don’t want a poinsettia. It is a symbol of the Christian faith,' said Isitt, who also questioned the lighting of the giant sequoia in Centennial Square outside City Hall."(edited)
Coun. Sharmarke Dubow, who is a Muslim, said rather than offending many immigrants, Christmas lights can be an interesting aspect of a new culture.
did they make another ad with an Anglican praying with a rosary or no?
kind of odd flex praying to Allah while fighting against isis but ok
Aren't most of people fighting isis muslims?