Message from @ᚱᛟᛟᛏ
Discord ID: 523037874078089222
Dont get me wrong im a proud anti semite but the jew hate gets a little old when youre so serious about it
all things thatwhich we are serious about get older more so than things we aren't. the corruption of mankind is always equal to the generation of the gods
>Texan is defending Jews
What have just even happened
im not
im just tired of people using them as an excuse to do nothing
yes please
>bangladesh and Pakistan
Oh no that's nepal not Bangladesh
sweden germany and turkey are the same country lol
And they don't believe me when I say that weebshit is mainstream
And what the hell is up with lesbians
lesbians are patrician
Lesbians are **gay**
It's just that anglos are so tired of whores who ride on cock carousels they started to feel cucked and now only watch lesbians
so lesbians are, in fact, straight.
`But it's not just the right wing that uses detransitioners for its own ends. Parts of the self-described feminist community do it, too: There is a contingent of "radical feminists" ("radfems" in internet parlance) who use stories like Cass's to argue that transitioning is a patriarchal attempt to reinforce gender roles and erase butch women. Some radfems (a subset of whom are commonly referred to as "trans exclusionary radical feminists" or TERFs, a term that is generally considered a slur by those it's directed toward) allege that the modern trans movement is fueled by the pharmaceutical and biotech industries, which have fooled gender nonconforming people—especially gays and lesbians—into seeking costly medical interventions for no reason.
The language used by radfems and the right wing can be strikingly similar: There are dystopian visions of a world where women cease to exist on both sides, and at times, radical feminists and social conservatives coalesce. The Women's Liberation Front (WoLF), an organization that purports to lobby on behalf of abortion rights and other feminist issues, collaborated with the conservative Family Policy Alliance to countersue Gavin Grimm, a transgender teenager in Virginia who is fighting in federal court for the right to use the boys' bathroom at school.`
`But some principles of radical feminism do resonate with Cass. Radfem ideology is about rejecting gender stereotypes, a philosophy that appeals to many detransitioned women who are reclaiming female identities. One of those is Jane, a 53-year-old woman in Southern California who lived as a trans man for nearly 20 years before discovering radfem forums online and, soon after, opting to transition back. "I really thought I was trans," Jane said. "I really believed it. One hundred percent. I was even fired from my job for coming out."
Jane now says that pressure from trans friends greatly influenced her decision to come out in the first place. She thinks it's an experience more common than people admit.`
`Ryan was a bright kid. By fourth grade, he was taking high-school math classes, but while his intelligence won praise from adults, kids picked on him. He was bullied mercilessly, and during this period, he fantasized about becoming a girl. If he were a girl, he thought, maybe he wouldn't be bullied for being weak.`
I wanna feel attractive.
I wanna be pretty.
I wanna be wanted.
And becoming a female (even if not passable) is the easiest way of achieving this.
this is pretty gay
why are you retards hosting this shit here
especially on dsicord
Why are you even on discord
i'll eat your toes
Eat my toes
The radical feminists make a lot of good points
What the fuck is this
@Deleted User I can't control how Kisa thinks or feels. What do you expect?
Are you guys from /pol/?