Message from @ᚱᛟᛟᛏ
Discord ID: 521759858719195148 hmm
here's some quotes from the councillor:
“Muslims, unless they are mixed families, they don’t have Christmas trees in their homes. Jewish people, like me, don’t have Christmas trees in their homes,” Isitt said.
"'I don’t want a poinsettia. It is a symbol of the Christian faith,' said Isitt, who also questioned the lighting of the giant sequoia in Centennial Square outside City Hall."(edited)
Coun. Sharmarke Dubow, who is a Muslim, said rather than offending many immigrants, Christmas lights can be an interesting aspect of a new culture.
did they make another ad with an Anglican praying with a rosary or no?
kind of odd flex praying to Allah while fighting against isis but ok
Aren't most of people fighting isis muslims?
maybe that's true
syrian government you know
but I don't think those guys pray five times a day while fighting
Bashar himself, and most of high-ranked officials in his government are alawites, but yeah, the vast majority of SAA, SDF and rebel fighters are muslims
Fake muslim
reading up on alawites
However, since the early 2000s, Western scholarship on the Alawite religion has made significant advances.[18] At the core of Alawite belief is a divine triad, comprising three aspects of the one God. These aspects, or emanations, appear cyclically in human form throughout history.
dude they believe in a fidget spinner trinity
fidget spinner modalism trinity
the west better watch out
the future is chinese
Shes just hoping it gives her a pass on what shes said about israel
I remember when she was first called out on her comments about israel by the media
The look on her face lol
imagine my shock
Not as dumb as the kettle war.
(The hourse got wounded in his leg)
I too saw the eco-fash thread
And saved that image
whiny woman