Message from @Tato

Discord ID: 604407359405817861

2019-07-26 20:15:02 UTC  

the main problem with canada is we're weak and we haven't given the government the power to exercise justice because we're to concerned with human rights

2019-07-26 20:15:12 UTC  

Like the French revolution, 1776, and the Bolsheviks.

2019-07-26 20:15:43 UTC  

We also just don't have a national identity. We're a US puppet state whether we like it or not.

2019-07-26 20:15:57 UTC  

Always have been reliant on some other power.

2019-07-26 20:16:06 UTC  

America after 1812, and the UK before it.

2019-07-26 20:16:21 UTC  

You know 80% of our economy depends on them?

2019-07-26 20:16:24 UTC  

race is a silly thing to focus on anyways, because whites in canada are a greater impediment to an ethnostate than any other group save jews

2019-07-26 20:16:25 UTC  

Something like that.

2019-07-26 20:16:38 UTC  


2019-07-26 20:17:00 UTC  

well because whites in canada don't want an ethnostate, they're very liberal usually

2019-07-26 20:17:09 UTC  

Yeah because they're trained to be liberal.

2019-07-26 20:17:39 UTC  

It's the lemmings effect, that's got nothing to do with race. It's like that in every civilization.

2019-07-26 20:17:44 UTC  

Look at whites in the 1700's.

2019-07-26 20:17:50 UTC  

Polar opposite of liberal.

2019-07-26 20:18:09 UTC  

But that's just how things are. People follow the trend and social norms.

2019-07-26 20:18:22 UTC  

You have to re-establish good norms for whites.

2019-07-26 20:18:30 UTC  

Because we've veered so far off course.

2019-07-26 20:18:38 UTC  

Whether you choose to stand with ideals vs your race.

2019-07-26 20:18:44 UTC  

Is where you make that trade off.

2019-07-26 20:18:52 UTC  

uniting canada under giving power to a nationalist state is more effective then.

2019-07-26 20:19:03 UTC  

You stand more in the ideals camp, you don't care about race as long as everyone thinks the same.

2019-07-26 20:19:32 UTC  

So you can have your brown person dystopia.

2019-07-26 20:20:52 UTC  

But you'll find that all of those brown people have their own little nuances that they struggle to get rid of.

2019-07-26 20:20:55 UTC  

And teach their kids.

2019-07-26 20:21:00 UTC  

Terrible infestation that.

2019-07-26 20:21:23 UTC  

I care less about race other than not wanting my own race to be a minority. but the state itself can rejuvenate this country without having to resort to genocide or deportations (except for illegals and immigrants who don't obey the law)

2019-07-26 20:21:44 UTC  

So you're for an upper class as long as you get to be the upper class.

2019-07-26 20:21:56 UTC  

Which is determined by your race, basically.

2019-07-26 20:21:58 UTC  

That's very jewish.

2019-07-26 20:23:18 UTC  

I can't follow that mindset. What incentive to people have to participate and cooperate in a society when they're condemned by their birth to be a slave? Or something to that effect.

2019-07-26 20:23:21 UTC  

No point in it.

2019-07-26 20:23:29 UTC  

They're better off somewhere else in the long run.

2019-07-26 20:23:32 UTC  

Or dead.

2019-07-26 20:23:45 UTC  

Since they'd be threats in the future, as proles and underclasses often are.

2019-07-26 20:23:54 UTC  

Operation Wetback 2.0

2019-07-26 20:26:19 UTC  

state power is more effective than race

2019-07-26 20:26:22 UTC  

like the roman empire

2019-07-26 20:26:23 UTC  

You're dealing entirely in a reformist mindset Bacon, trying to twist and contort something that's degenerate and dead to fit into something you want because for whatever reason you're scared of revolution.

2019-07-26 20:26:49 UTC  

And to establish that Empire Caesar had to die.

2019-07-26 20:27:02 UTC  

And Augustus took his place.

2019-07-26 20:27:12 UTC  

Probably for the better, but we'll never know.