Message from @Tato

Discord ID: 616541448686272512

2019-08-29 07:52:25 UTC  

Or during the Munich conference.

2019-08-29 07:52:41 UTC  

When Chamberlaine was fucking there and literally fucking signed Czechoslovakia's death warrant.

2019-08-29 07:52:43 UTC  


2019-08-29 07:52:50 UTC  

In the same room as Hitler.

2019-08-29 07:52:59 UTC  

hitler genocided millions of white people

2019-08-29 07:53:21 UTC  

So did the Romans.

2019-08-29 07:53:24 UTC  

So did the French.

2019-08-29 07:53:27 UTC  

So did the bolsheviks.

2019-08-29 07:53:31 UTC  

well, the british did too, during the boer war and irish potato famine

2019-08-29 07:53:32 UTC  

So did christians.

2019-08-29 07:53:38 UTC  

Recall the crusades in the baltics.

2019-08-29 07:53:39 UTC  

Bolsheviks were jewish

2019-08-29 07:53:50 UTC  

yeah, were poles?

2019-08-29 07:53:59 UTC  

If you're looking for blood on European hands, it's everywhere.

2019-08-29 07:54:13 UTC  


2019-08-29 07:54:26 UTC  

kind of a moot point

2019-08-29 07:54:40 UTC  

People die in war. Wow, shocking.

2019-08-29 07:55:00 UTC  

Britain sent millions of brown people to their deaths in WWII as well.

2019-08-29 07:55:03 UTC  

Let's not forget that.

2019-08-29 07:55:15 UTC  

Or the Soviets working people of every colour to death.

2019-08-29 07:55:36 UTC  

The Dutch in Malaysia, the list goes on Bacon.

2019-08-29 07:56:02 UTC  

Churchill got loads of whites and fellow anglos killed due to his incompetence in WWI.

2019-08-29 07:57:16 UTC  

yeah, but it's rare that a ethnonationalist movement like white nationalism would praise a man who killed two million white people because they were not from his subgroup of white

2019-08-29 07:59:11 UTC  

It's less about Hitler and more about what he stood for. It's about the nazis standing up for their race against the forces of liberal democracies and the threat of communism. It's like a tragic rebel story, but on a global scale. America and the UK and pretty much every European power was just as if not more racist than the nazis were. On the surface, it's about race. But Hitler's fight was against high finance.

2019-08-29 07:59:20 UTC  

Thats why ethnonationalism is dumb

2019-08-29 08:00:22 UTC  

Which the jews were in control of. If you wanna look at from a machiavellian stance, the jews really were just a scapegoat for creating an enemy, a Starship Troopers style "bug" that high finance could be personalized as, rather than as a nebulous economic concept that's hard to understand.

2019-08-29 08:01:24 UTC  

But Hitler was right about all that, and jews really are parasitic bugs that only exist to ruin their host nations.

2019-08-29 08:01:24 UTC  

Id agree with that to an extent

2019-08-29 08:01:47 UTC  

hitler saw other white people as parasitic bugs too

2019-08-29 08:01:48 UTC  

like poles

2019-08-29 08:01:59 UTC  

and russians

2019-08-29 08:02:00 UTC  

Saw them as no different from Native Americans.

2019-08-29 08:02:00 UTC  

If jews disappeared there would be plenty of whites willing to take up the mantle

2019-08-29 08:02:27 UTC  

Hitler's lebensraum and eastward expansion would've been no different than the UK colonizing America.

2019-08-29 08:02:30 UTC  

That was the plan.

2019-08-29 08:02:43 UTC  

Lebensraum was supposed to be the German/Aryan equivalent of manfiest destiny.

2019-08-29 08:02:47 UTC  

Just on the European continent.

2019-08-29 08:03:07 UTC  

To do that, people had to be removed so German settlers could go farm and prosper on empty land.

2019-08-29 08:03:11 UTC  

>all land known and settled already

2019-08-29 08:03:17 UTC  


2019-08-29 08:03:25 UTC  

Which is why you bomb the fuck out of it and kill everyone living there.