Message from @Praise Jesus ✞✞✞ - North NJ
Discord ID: 287851371665817600
dude even the SS had raceial varity
I can't accept why liberals just accept Islam like its a peaceful religion or something
they only cared about race and relgion so long as it served the nation
slavs in the SS for fuck sakes
That's y belize is prime invasion territory
Fair, but islands can be hard to take, as rather than rolling up with a FOB you must land and take shit
they r just asking for a coup
Blitzkrieg is best
well then blackfrica would be the best place for blitzkrieg if we invaded the east and smashed somila
Most islanders would be off guard, and likely easily falls victim to a sudden attack
The Ramones right
No point.
We would be surrounded by niggers
just dont invade the philipines they got assloads of guns
We need large boats witch is hard
Invade here and let's see what Chile will do
Not so much large, as much as landable
we could sell them birth control pills mixed with drugs and then set up abortion clinics for free
>nobody will know that you've invaded somewhere if there is no population
we need cloning facilities and artifical wombs then we can build a spartan army
We could minimize deaths by only killing political leaders
you after the war
Use marksmen to take out military and political leaders, lowering general morale and destablizing the target country/island
Damn it's sad how the us lost the Vietnam war
snipers OP pls nerf
Hey, how about small Carribean countries?
and hunting rifles are cheap
Fuckig guerilla warfare is OP reeee
to close to america miomio
Like Jamaica
they'll panama our ass
>hunting rifles
STEN army
We have to minimize media attention or we fucked
308 rifles babby