Message from @Collaboris
Discord ID: 366712765664067585
Kekistani Youth League
I never wanted to be part of the whole Kekistan thing. These are pretty cool though.
It's mostly harmless fun/satire 😃
I know but I feel likee it's just another group you know?
Eh, it specifically is being used to make fun of collectivism. At least from what I've seen. I'm sure there's more serious people 😛
I see it a bit. The serious ones.
somebody called?
Kekistan, greatest country, we're in luck
All other countries are run by little cucks
Kekistan greatest producer of lulz
All other countries have inferior lulz...
kekistan stronk because we kicked all the kebabs out
Kek is dead
Kek can never die
this chat might as well be called "kek's reich" or "Kek`s last meme stand"
my level varies between servers
the server i came frem
i hope you enjoy
more .kek
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