Message from @poptarts
Discord ID: 552801717515976714
@Human Sheeple Greenland ice core data is localised only to that area, not to the whole planet. Global warming is exactly that, global.
It's not a globe and there's extreme cold worldwide
Average global temperatures are increasing, that image is essentially an anecdote
It's ice..
worldwide warming? Now you're blowing smoke up my ass
ha ha
Yep That's part of the reason they don't want us there, it would shatter their climate change taxation ponzi scheme
It's not going to happen overnight
I think global warming is hugely overexaggerated
It's never going to happen, nor is space travel, nor is proof of curvature, nor is proof of axial rotation, nor is a real photo of the Earth that isn't a cartoon
My pole shifts all the time when I see some hot girl walk by
what the jesus h monkeyballs <:doom:532377533509926912>
rawng cause rawng <:doge:511590627860021258>
wasnt it said by like jesus that life came out of the ocean?
<:sadcat:511590629856378901> I wanted to be blue when I grew up
I still believe in you
<a:REE:534345404687450113> nature is beautiful <a:REE:534345404687450113>