Message from @Captain Foley
Discord ID: 278367935943278593
How classically liberal is constitutional anarchocommunism?
too much terminology
If you don't have an AR and .45 or larger handgun you might as well open your asscheeks
I am sorry, you cannot be a snnarcho communist that supports a constitution.
mfw muzleloader
Constitutions are there to keep government limited.
NYC or new york state?
silencer on your slingshot
You can drive to a state with looser gun laws, buy whatever you want there, and then take your goodies back home with no problem.
simply, the constitution can be viewed as an anarcho communism compact to render the state and the people as a single entity and thereby render all individual property as distrubted possessions of sic the de facto state, i.e. the people
Sandy Hoax sloppy sniper. If you dont knwo who sloppy sniper is you missing the lulz
To be a representative republican is to cleave to the core ideologies of anacom
this movement is small rn, maybe you could contact trump discords
id bet there is a huge base of trump supporters to draw from
that would show up and support us
Want an ar10
I live in NJ. I'm not that far from /ourguys/ in NY
more like
Californians are retarded
^ this
Gtg, have fun, behave
But there's still nice people here,
Central valley is based
@DakGeth you cannot get this movement to grow as long as you have /pol/ memes and beliefs
literally never
The state is overrun with Mexicans. There are more Mexicans than white people in California now. They're past the point of no return.
@jello You do realize that normie supporters might come to the discord and see nazi and dindu shit and immediately turn away from that right?
There is a link off the FB
I'm saying to not leak /pol/ into meetings
@DakGeth my point is that, if you guys actually are taking this seriously, then you need to prune anything /pol/ related. right now in chat theyre talking about jewish conspiracy
trump supporters or not