Message from @Comandant
Discord ID: 555369986525233164
white people can be threatened by sexism
Yea and they're coming to fuckin austin
i love how this is the angriest dino has ever been for letting someone speak
holy shit
saw that haha
there was already a data leak too
fuckin great
oh brother
how many people are they gonna help
Good afternoon ^_^
@Comandant your mic has a bit of an echo
Good morning/afternoon
@everyone This VC is lit and entertaining AF tonight. Thanks members ✌️🤣
I can’t hear @GrizzlyGuerilla☉♉♈☽♌♍ in VC anyone else?
I'm helping to unsheathe the Truth dude. I would appreciate your support rather than your snidely-made side-swipes that are vacuous at best, and degenerate at worst. <:morty:534348220634234891> @crozz
nice pic nyoki
I just think there is a land between high school debate, and arguing. It is called conversation. And that is what i like.
thats not like a gene that causes suicidal ideation though im pretty sure
like isnt it just a genetic problem on the microscopic level
where the cells kill itself
None of these people have these problems
These problems are all created by society
i mean they have a society