Message from @duke
Discord ID: 555337805166018564
don't mislabel me as a nazi but I want to kill those who disagree
because you're marxists!
@coyote2.0 was poppin
if it's star trek that's kinda hilarious
Oh I thought you said star trek as well
lol oops
I was like holy shit
uh oh the fascist and the communist both disagreed with you
white people can be threatened by sexism
Yea and they're coming to fuckin austin
i love how this is the angriest dino has ever been for letting someone speak
holy shit
saw that haha
fuckin great
oh brother
how many people are they gonna help
unmute me
Good afternoon ^_^
@Comandant your mic has a bit of an echo
Good morning/afternoon
@everyone This VC is lit and entertaining AF tonight. Thanks members ✌️🤣
I can’t hear @GrizzlyGuerilla☉♉♈☽♌♍ in VC anyone else?
I'm helping to unsheathe the Truth dude. I would appreciate your support rather than your snidely-made side-swipes that are vacuous at best, and degenerate at worst. <:morty:534348220634234891> @crozz
nice pic nyoki
I just think there is a land between high school debate, and arguing. It is called conversation. And that is what i like.