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Discord ID: 552816177383079942

2019-03-06 11:28:04 UTC  

-define boomer

2019-03-06 11:28:04 UTC  

**Boomer**: A person over the age of 30 that likes [80s] Rock and [Monster Energy] Zero [Ultra], that wants things to go back to the way they were.
**[cracks] open [monster]* Now [Banjo-Kazooie], that was a good video game. - Typical Boomer*
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2019-03-06 11:28:40 UTC  

-define bloomer

2019-03-06 11:28:40 UTC  

**bloomer**: A man's penis that is small when [flaccid] but increases greatly in size when he gets an erection. This is usually large increase in relation to the flaccid size. A man with a [flaccid penis] of [3 inches] may easily end up with an erect size of 6-8 inches.
*I may seem small now, but [I'm a] bloomer. Watch my [flower] [grow].*
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2019-03-06 11:28:49 UTC  


2019-03-06 11:28:54 UTC  


2019-03-06 11:28:55 UTC  

-define doomer

2019-03-06 11:28:55 UTC  

**Doomer**: [A Doomer] is someone who has taken "the final [redpill]" and has given into a schizoid lifestyle of isolation, pessimism, and total apathy. [Doomer's] wallow in self hatred and are usually depressed. Doomers are almost always exclusively men.
*"He became [a doomer] after his [girlfriend] [left] him."*
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2019-03-06 11:29:17 UTC  

-define grower not a shower

2019-03-06 11:29:17 UTC  

**grower not a shower**: A person whose penis appears [tiny] when [flaccid], but that redeems itself when [erect].
*After being derided in [the locker room] for his [limp] [rat dick], Tony assured the others with his only comeback: "I'm a grower not a shower!"*
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2019-03-06 11:29:40 UTC  


2019-03-06 11:29:40 UTC  

🐱 | **Nyoki, did you know?** Two members of the cat family are distinct from all others: the clouded leopard and the cheetah. The clouded leopard does not roar like other big cats, nor does it groom or rest like small cats. The cheetah is unique because it is a running cat; all others are leaping cats. They are leaping cats because they slowly stalk their prey and then leap on it.

2019-03-06 11:30:14 UTC  

-define millenial

2019-03-06 11:30:15 UTC  

**Millenial**: A Millenial is someone who's only been torturing people for a [thousand] years

- [Michael] from [The Good Place]
*[Michael]: These [Millenials], they have no [work ethic]...*
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2019-03-06 11:30:35 UTC  

-define zoomer

2019-03-06 11:30:35 UTC  

**Zoomer**: Refers to members of [Generation Z] and is a play on the term "Boomer," which refers to members of the Baby [Boomer generation]. The term Zoomer is also in reference to the fast-paced upbringings members of Generation Z are characterized to have due to the fast advances in technology and culture that has been happening around them as a result of the interconnectivity of the American and Global populations because of the [ubiquity] of internet-connected smart phones and social media.
*"I can't stand those [Zoomers], all they do is use their [phones] all day to play Fortnite and watch [TikTok] videos!"*
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2019-03-06 11:33:08 UTC  


2019-03-06 11:33:09 UTC  

2019-03-06 11:33:40 UTC  

2019-03-06 11:34:07 UTC  

-define trenchcoat

2019-03-06 11:34:07 UTC  

**Trenchcoat**: [A knee] to ankle length jacket that repels rain and human beings. In a cultural example of Batesian [mimicry] (that is, a non-venemous species [evolving] to resemble a venemous one), you don't even need an actual concealed weapon underneath.
*My [trenchcoat] keeps people from [fucking with] me. I still carry [a blade] too just in case.*
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2019-03-06 11:34:43 UTC  

-define school

2019-03-06 11:34:43 UTC  

**School**: A complete and utter waste of precious childhood.
You wake up at six in the morning to go to a building which resembles a [federal prison]. There, you go from class to class, repeating the same thing over and over every day. You get obsolete, [inconsequential] bullshit shoved down your throat by people who are only there for the money and time off. Then, you get tested on this bullshit, and if you fail because you don't understand, then that's too bad, which totally defeats the purpose of learning anyways. Meanwhile, you are forced to interact with mindless clone bot teenagers who only care about drugs, sex, and the mall. And if that's not enough, they send you away with more bullshit, also known as homework, to do during your only free time at home when you could be pursuing your own interests that might at some point be relevant to the life you want to lead instead of the one the fucking government chooses for you. In the future, you will never need to know quadratic formulas and geometry unless you plan on becoming a [mathematician]. To sum it all up, school is a big competition [to weed] out the "smartest" people who the government hopes will one day take reign over their [cesspool] of fucking moronic imbeciles which is leading our country to hell. Our only hope is that one day someone who can see through this will break free from this [penitentiary] and make some much needed reforms.
*If you ever need to know anything they [teach] you in school [in real life], there's this [nifty] little thing called GOOGLE.*
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2019-03-06 11:34:53 UTC  

-define shooter

2019-03-06 11:34:53 UTC  

**Shooter**: A [designated] person whom you can rely on to rob or kill somebody; an indiviual who often carries [firearms] and is down to [catch a body] at any given time
*"Dont make me [call up] my [shooters] on your [goofy ass]"*
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2019-03-06 11:35:23 UTC  

-define fedora

2019-03-06 11:35:23 UTC  

**fedora**: A wide-brimmed hat popularized in the early [1900's], but now has become the symbol for [pretentious] losers who live in their [mother's] basements everywhere.
*Nick: [Alright bro], let's go pick up some bitches at this bonfire!

Rick: Please don't tell me you're actually gonna wear that.

Nick: What? It's a fedora. It says I'm classy.

Rick: No it doesn't, it says "I [jerk it] to pictures of [ponies] and play cod all day because I don't even have a job" Now take that thing off and let's go.*
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2019-03-06 11:37:00 UTC  

-define YAGPDB

2019-03-06 11:37:00 UTC  

**YAGPDB**: Yet Another General Purpose [Discord Bot]
YAGPDB is a [multi-purpose] [discord bot]. In 3 words Da Best Bot!
*YAGPDB is a [discord bot].
[Hey] YAGPDB!*

2019-03-06 11:38:34 UTC  

-define neckbeard

2019-03-06 11:38:34 UTC  

**neckbeard**: Talkative, self-important nerdy men (usually age 30 and up) who, through an inability to properly [decode] [social cues], mistake others' strained tolerance of their [blather] for evidence of their own charm.
*[Stop] being [such a] neckbeard.*
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2019-03-06 11:38:55 UTC  

-define neck yourself

2019-03-06 11:38:55 UTC  

**Neck yourself**: [Australian slang]: [go hang yourself]; implying that they should tie something around their [necks]. Pretty much a way of saying kill yourself.
*John: I stole your car
[Nike]: [neck yourself] ya [fucken] cunt*
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2019-03-06 11:39:21 UTC  

But I say that a lot 🙁

2019-03-06 11:39:44 UTC  

-define neck myself

2019-03-06 11:39:44 UTC  

**Neck myself**: The act of a [spasmoid] preferably named [Alex] [hanging] themselves
*[Oh my god] I just [wanna] [neck myself]*
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2019-03-06 11:40:24 UTC  

-define God doesn't exist

2019-03-06 11:40:24 UTC  

**love doesn't exist**: A rare [awareness] that the concept, [love is] just an [abstraction] of a chemical process in the human brain.
*A: I'm [so in love] with her.

B: That's just an endorphin rush from [interacting] with a compatible personality. [Love doesn't exist].*
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2019-03-06 11:40:43 UTC  

-define religion

2019-03-06 11:41:04 UTC  

He actually copy pasted webster

2019-03-06 11:41:53 UTC  

-define sensory deprivation tank