Message from @Trybal
Discord ID: 545013144595070976
mark passio natrual law seminar ^^
real vs virtual construct
physical vs virtual
action vs idea/story
what is physically done vs what is told about what was physically done
actions based upon the physical are solely reactionary
actions based upon the virtual are purely to manipulate reaction to physical by means of prevention or interception.
get spooked
Why is slow mode on?
Never mind. Its probs a good idea
Any futther ideas about the daily topic?
("who is Q")
(humorous commentary on the quality of various groups who have controlled Q)
changed hands
online ids are monickers an these can be passed or or jus be a host of individuals acting as one.
jus passing it on isnt enough
its my opinion on theory that qanon would most likely be run in the way that a company is run
buncha staff working under a user council, the user council acting on data and ideas the collective staff recieve and via use of monicker qanon is enacted upon via proxy by the user council.
this way its not just shifting users but can be up to a few hundred users simultaneously.
let's rehash what people on this server have said since @.𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓭 posed the daily topic:
@Dawn "Q is a psy op by trump's team, exposing the deep state. propaganda to reel in skeptics of trump."
@4Liberty "Q is working directly with Trump. the idea started in 1999."
@Trybal "it's a diversion tactic. read /x/ read /pol/. *what I did just now was common scepticism, how you distinguish my type of scepticism from a shill isn’t easy*... they're either very clever with an obvious agenda or a troll."
@Stevia "Q is a pleidian from 12D. full name ORITQ communicates with his twin soul, Ivanka Trump."
@tylerai "tyler the AI is Qanon"
@Post-LSD Swamp "Q anon is just some dorks doing a LARP. You can quote me on that."
Q anon is just some dorks doing a LARP
You can quote me on that
That's where I am on it. @Post-LSD Swamp
@HyperBaroque thats a mis quote
half is about FE psy-op#
not Q
Lmao you shortened what I said in such a way that it seems I’m trying to defend myself as an accused shill, this isn’t what happened lmao.
just quoting what people wrote
hey now
sort it
if ur gonna quote
get it right
u made it look like i think Q is about globers
I said that as an example to watch out for future psyop and their shills and to emphasize on what distinguishes them from average joe sceptics.
defense of the globe model
Yeah, you’re getting fired tommorrow morning Hyper, this doesn’t cut it.
I’ll get your termination plans ready.
@Dawn there i fixed your quote
Good guy @HyperBaroque putting in the work
trybal, i included your quote "i am not a shill" because you felt important to put that out there.
despite as you said, nobody was calling you one.
Wait, huh?
Ah, okay, nevermind.