Message from @HyperBaroque
Discord ID: 545368021376696321
666 im going guesswill be clear when its revealed
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What makes u believe that @.๐ฝ๐ฑ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ฑ๐ช๐ญ Media? Alleged footage and claims of "Muslims" committing atrocities? There is 100% NO proof that any of these so called terrorists are even Muslim, AND even if they identifty as Muslim (and believe they are), they are not doing what Islam asks of the believers. Any true Muslim that understands actual Islamic concepts and teachings, denounces these people that commit atrocities "in the name of Allah". So, they either arent Muslim, or they misinterperet its teachings.
Nobody has brought up the other time in the Biblr where the number 666 occurs.
I dont know the Bible too well, where else does it occur? @HyperBaroque
In ghe description of Solomon's great talent, fame, and weath:
1 Kings 10:14 14The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents,
2 Chronicles 9:13 13The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents,
666 is the number of man
I have heard that in the old base-6 counting system in Babylon, saying 666 would be like us saying 9,999 or so.
That it was meant to be a kinda sorta big but not too big number.
@.๐ฝ๐ฑ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ฑ๐ช๐ญ greek manuscripts are "newer" than the papyrus 115. by like 150 years newer.
an even so p115 is still 200+ years after death of christ...
like at certain point ones gotta ask whats the "real" biblical cannon? the direct works of the apostles or the compilation created by the vatican church circa emporer constantine's rome?
@SoulHarvest man is 555
No 666
Really though in base-6, "666" only comes out to 216
You need to count the penis
Woman is 555
This is base-6 without a placeholder btw.
what? woman n man are different according to biblical cannon like brb
So 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 etc...
Yea 216 is an interesting number @HyperBaroque
216 = 6ร6ร6
number of man is 5 which is representative in various forms from the 5 wounds of christ to the 5 kings/wisemen to number of digits on each appendage to the 5th element(the soul/desire/creativity)
I have also heard a physics explanation of 666, that says 6 represents Carbon, and repeating it three times suggests mind, body, and soul are completely basic or something like that. But derogatory implications of 666 in Revelation don't match with the celebratory implication of 666 in description of Solomon's wealth.
My own theory is that in all likelihood, 666 in Revelation is purposefully that same number as the earlier biblical 666 referencing Solomon's income, for the express purpose of fomenting antisemitism.
If you believe in christ and in Revelations as holy canon, then of course the interpretation is that Jews are bad in the end times.
well like kimg soloman was before christ by a bit. thus hus stuff has nothing to do with modern christianity but is entirely based on gnostic hermeticsm of jewish faith.
and the jewish faith treats the devil entirely different than christianity hence the "continuity" conflict
the keys of solomon should demonstrate that very clearly btw
And clearly when John of patmos wrote revelation he wrote it as a [christian] scholar.
Well not Bible per say. But Torah, Talmud, and scripture.
And probably lots of other tracts.
Were else does 666 occur besides descriptions of solomon's wealth? And are we going to discount its earlier appearance entirely?
@HyperBaroque Also carbon has 6 protons, 6 electrons, 6 neutrons = 666
Right? I brought up the Carbon thing because it can seem connected 6 ways from Sunday.
Oh it looks lile Chad already brought it up earlier.
I have to find a plug for my phone
Yea I did too.
My perspective on 666 is it is entirely of numerological and symbolic significance @HyperBaroque
I posted some of the numerology I found regarding it, and the number 616 that the alleged papyrus 115 refers to.
on atomic stuff like
periodic table is entirely modern. from 2000 BCE to bout mid 1800s elements were identifued by roman alchemical symbology (alchemy fer majority of bit though 1300-1700s saw evolution n creation of newtonian physics which was more advanced but nit quite to periodic table status)
same time though nation with the most doctors on per capita is isreal an has been since its formation. add that to due to sigmond Frued^n his nephew bernays, judaism has a massive majority influence iver stem sciences and has since the magna carta.
so theres that to consider.
carbons atomic number is 6 yes
but the elememt in 6th group in 6th row is tungstun
So, ur saying that the number 666 and its origin cant be related to carbon?
it could but like theres only 6 protons not 6.66 an stuff like
a molecule form of carbon where its 6 carbon atoms in a matrix or what ever sure
but like idk how you get 666 form jus carbons 6 protons.