Message from @mek
Discord ID: 644371356498001921
@Freedomfeller17 good enough
sup. i'm runescape anon
What in tarnation
good boy dinnidu nuffin
@The Real Beandip ***B E A N E D***
That answered the is it fake mek question
Are there a lot of fake meks running around now?
Nah just that one time
Ok good
God forbid hoos lets in a fake
Hey mek
Hi jake
Hows things
Good to hear you coming back to ard
Is ard even a thing?
Your account get yeeted by disco or what?
It’s just a fake @The Real Beandip
Nah i fucked off and deleted it, had some shit i needed to work through
Ay fuck you tony
He said tony not tone
Do you want to see my welch patch or what
Post welch
Ok ok
I saw projektmonark is back online
May buy a larp flag like A2
What market segment are you looking for?