Message from @mek
Discord ID: 644370713079185438
rumors are funny
dws was talking about monolithic uppers so I posted a green LMT from online that I said was for scaranon
that is my bad though, sorry about the misunderstanding
@Freedomfeller17 good enough
sup. i'm runescape anon
What in tarnation
good boy dinnidu nuffin
@The Real Beandip ***B E A N E D***
That answered the is it fake mek question
Are there a lot of fake meks running around now?
Nah just that one time
Ok good
Hey mek
Hi jake
Hows things
Im alive, things are good
Good to hear you coming back to ard
Is ard even a thing?
Your account get yeeted by disco or what?
It’s just a fake @The Real Beandip
Nah i fucked off and deleted it, had some shit i needed to work through
Ay fuck you tony
He said tony not tone
Do you want to see my welch patch or what
Post welch
Ok ok
I saw projektmonark is back online
May buy a larp flag like A2