Message from @AngryWhiteGuy

Discord ID: 625957217954168833

2019-09-24 05:49:47 UTC  


2019-09-24 05:49:55 UTC  

fuck off

2019-09-24 05:50:35 UTC  

post gear @KombatWombat

2019-09-24 06:20:42 UTC  

What about tactical snorkels? Florida man + snorkel = ready made frog man.

2019-09-24 06:21:50 UTC  

smh another florida nigger

2019-09-24 06:23:24 UTC  

So suck my dick.

2019-09-24 06:29:52 UTC  

it seems you're already busy sucking his

2019-09-24 06:31:40 UTC

2019-09-24 06:31:44 UTC  

Gonna get this for my car

2019-09-24 06:31:57 UTC  

So my kids can play with my gear

2019-09-24 06:44:38 UTC  

Start them young so they won't have money for drugs?

2019-09-24 06:54:53 UTC  

When you can't tie off the gunshot wound in your arm because your five year old tore open your IFAK and used the tourniquet as a headband to play pirates.

2019-09-24 06:58:50 UTC  

>Not having multiple tourniquets
>Not having multiple IFAKs
>Not training your toddlers propper Care under Fire medicine.

2019-09-24 07:00:28 UTC  

>underestimating the destructive power of a 5 year old

2019-09-24 07:00:55 UTC  

and this is why we'll be looting your body for gear an hour into SHTF time.

2019-09-24 07:06:44 UTC  

My neice is like a force of nature but she already knows not to mess with the boxes that have a red cross on them.

2019-09-24 07:16:58 UTC  

nice. I feel like it's gonna be difficult to teach kids that stuff without becoming "THAT uncle."

2019-09-24 07:23:59 UTC  

She knows me as the uncle who is there to fix any scrape or bruise or cut she gets.
And she knows my boxes with little red crosses.

2019-09-24 07:28:56 UTC  

@Red Korvo just don't ask the parents first
Act like it's the most natural thing ever that you have a medical kit, or that you want to take them out shooting/fishing/ camping/ hiking

2019-09-24 07:30:30 UTC  

Well, don't pussyfoot around it like it's some sort of dangerous or forbidden knowledge.

2019-09-24 07:30:52 UTC  

That's a good idea.

2019-09-24 07:33:27 UTC  

I really can't wait to move out and get my first gun and learn to shoot. And teaching kids of my own to shoot sounds awesome.

2019-09-24 07:38:26 UTC  

It's little very terryfing the first two or three times.
The best advice I can give you is make sure they're old enough to pay full attention to you, and that you do it somewhere without a lot of distractions

2019-09-24 07:42:21 UTC  

I'm a little terrified to go shooting myself the first few times tbh. Gone with family twice though and I handled it fine. With kids though, I assume go with a .22LR rifle, preferably a bolt action, start them out with one bullet at a time, and hold their hands for the first few trips, and it's hard for things to go wrong. Or just start with a pellet gun.

2019-09-24 11:28:15 UTC  

single load everything and have them practice basic safety first

2019-09-24 11:33:43 UTC  

also i wouldnt not ask the parents first tbh its someone elses kid

2019-09-24 11:34:18 UTC  

im obviously extremely progun but if someone took my kid shooting without my conesnt or knowledge i would be fucking livid

2019-09-24 12:04:33 UTC  

I learned with a single shot 410

2019-09-24 13:14:55 UTC  

Oh absolutely, on both counts. I'd use dummy rounds at first too.

2019-09-24 13:26:28 UTC  

Na man

2019-09-24 13:26:33 UTC  

Just shoot the damn gun

2019-09-24 13:36:48 UTC  

Speaking of guns i need to hammer out my sks takedown pin n replace it fuckers jammed in there to tight to even rotate

2019-09-24 13:43:39 UTC  

brass is your friend

2019-09-24 13:46:57 UTC  

Just throw away the sks

2019-09-24 13:49:07 UTC  

ya I'll take it off your hands

2019-09-24 14:12:58 UTC  

If we're redistributing firepower commie style, I have zero guns, so I believe I qualify.

2019-09-24 14:15:28 UTC  

lmao noguns

2019-09-24 14:16:22 UTC  

Imagine living in Florida and not owning a gun

2019-09-24 14:21:38 UTC  

Also, since I got ATF tagged for larping, come shop at my store

2019-09-24 14:21:42 UTC  
