Message from @Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids
Discord ID: 555940803571351572
worth a shot
@Sad Blueman i know this is late but the meme that everyone who isnt into rap knows that song and of course ice jjfish is trash its a meme song
Yo ass needs to learn some humor
my mother had skin cancer and had to have a bunch of skin shaved off
that will probably be me in a few weeks
but this would've been before doc wallach came out with his 90something essential minerals thing
nothing beats a healthy diet's all i'm sayin <:pepecoffee:511590628308811825>
idk about gerson therapy, though
reading it. I do think its very relevant to have all these various minerals, except boron
Its literally created from cosmic rays
Shooting a mosque apparently
There we go
Got the link
meh, lorien fenton's on project camelot right now
Project Camelot still going? I thought Kerry would've been tossed into a mental ward by now? 🤭
project camelot?
oooh youre replying to somebody else lol
in that case, please refrain from harassing others
not that great tbh
i see what youre saying
please stop ping spamming
what i see is you being disrespectful and bothering a mod. idk why, but i see what i see
i suggest you refrain from harassing people, consider that your warning
@Sad Blueman he’s annoying right
Trix stop being like u know who
Ok ignore me fine <:sadcat:511590629856378901>
Hi sad
How did your day go with that trespasser?
@Sad Blueman wow
Is that actually true?
Shit man...
That's just sad and angering
vote jack for god 2.0
Slept through it