Message from @sleeping zzz
Discord ID: 368555454533599243
Concept is in... concept
An idea
You've been a daydreamer?
Can I be a strasserite without being a part of a strasserite political party?
@sleeping zzz nope
Can I be an antifascist without being a part of an antifascist political party?
@Firefly but someone who's opposed to fascism is... An antifascist. Someone who adheres to Christianity is a Christian.
@sleeping zzz someone who pretends he is Christian when does not live as Christian is a bigot.
Hypocrits is their true name.
Charlatans and hypocrites
"Western Men" is another name for them.
@Deleted User yes it is far better
@Deleted User and you're a national anarchist so you support racial separatism
@Deleted User a country without a government would be anarchy - literally
@sleeping zzz when did i say i was a national anarchist? Im a anarcho-individualist the literal exact opposite.
@Firefly so you can't support an ideology unless you're living it currently? Anarchists aren't anarchist unless there's anarchy?
@Deleted User you posted a picture that literally said national anarchists
With a white nationalism symbol
>the anarkiddy doesn't even know what the picture he posted represents
Alright you have me there.
Wheres the white nationalist symbol though?
The little yellow thing in the middle of the star
Oh shit is that the celtic cross? Fuck.
The absolute state of anarchists
Not clicking that
Socialism sucks ass as does anarchism
You're tools being used by the bourgeois. You're pawns.
And your ideology sucks ass, retreat back to your Sydney/Melbourne hole
Wow this place is as cancerous as I heard
@Alexander Alexandrnov
>anime profile picture
Yeah I like anime so what
It's gay.
And cancerous.
Fuck off mate