Message from @Alexander Alexandrnov
Discord ID: 368560384434634753
The absolute state of anarchists
Not clicking that
Socialism sucks ass as does anarchism
You're tools being used by the bourgeois. You're pawns.
And your ideology sucks ass, retreat back to your Sydney/Melbourne hole
Wow this place is as cancerous as I heard
@Alexander Alexandrnov
>anime profile picture
Yeah I like anime so what
It's gay.
And cancerous.
Fuck off mate
@sleeping zzz anarchists are not anarchists unless they act upon their beliefs.
You can say that about socialism but never about anime
Anime really is gay though, that's my opinion.
Pokemon, dbz are alright I guess
What's your opinion based on
@Firefly so socialists aren't socialist unless they live in a socialist state?
@Alexander Alexandrnov just all the ones with little girls and fuzzy warm weird stuff, also the fan base are all creeps like bronies. I've watched dbz, elfen lied, pokemon
I enjoyed elfen lied
thats gay
@sleeping zzz unless they act upon their beliefs. Lenin stated that a minimum to consider oneself a communist is to be a part of the active and nationally united communist organization.
@Cocochan it was sort of gay, also a massive plot arch was incestous. It was ok though, 6/10
revo who is that qt waifu
>being a slave to principles
on your profile picture
She isn't real dude
Better than being a slave to men
s-shut up
Your Chinese cartoons aren't real
nice meme
ha ha , amirite guys ?