Message from @Chairman Meow
Discord ID: 373045675895816202
gday mate
welcum to the mad butcher
What is politics?
isn't most of taustralia already left leaning
Why am I in this discord when I have 0 knowledge on any of this shit>
>Meme arrow
gday cunt
It's fucken night
fuck up
It's a quotation mark not a fucking meme arrow.
You niggers
>be @National Trotskyist
>doesn't know what a meme arrow is
Our government is sliding ever closer to fascism, but you know what the 7:30 report wants to talk about. The impact of child porn. On the wives of people caught with it.
@Chairman Meow HAH, that ain't fascism, that is a totalitarian oligarcy using capitalism to control the lemmings.
Can you guys expand on your points or link some articles n shit. @Chairman Meow @Deleted User
@Aesthetic Bored Why would I need to expand my point with an article?
You dont.
I said expand your point __**or**__ link an article.
Meh, unless he responds to me asking that I expand it, I don't think it is necessary.
I asked but whatever babe have fun
Well what exactly did you want me to expand upon?
What's the difference between fascism and a totalitarian oligarchy?
I don't know shit.
@Aesthetic Bored Oligarchies are often run by groups, usually headed by the richest, and most powerful in a country, while a fascist government would be headed by one person, and that is not even mentioning how it is anti materialism, meaning that currency would have been modified so that it would not have the ability to gain such power, while the monopolies would be nationalized.
thank you
🚫 👨❤️👨
in case didnt know i was talking about the goberment using the feds to harass trade unions for political benefit. IT seems they arent even willing to tolerate their ineffectual existence anymore
Fucking maotists! At what point can we stop upholding solidarity with these imperialists.
Wait? Are American leftists not aware that modern china is not Maoist in any real way any more?