Message from @JohnyWoo

Discord ID: 446284678018891776

2018-05-16 01:02:24 UTC  

I like how communists say Im the cuck yet they're willing to work for far less money and give disabled people the same amount. Lmao

2018-05-16 01:02:42 UTC  

Pretty hypocritical dont you think commies?

2018-05-16 01:26:36 UTC  

While I can gain my money measured by my productivity to the economy.

2018-05-16 06:16:38 UTC  

u mom gay

2018-05-16 09:32:04 UTC

2018-05-16 09:32:18 UTC

2018-05-16 09:32:43 UTC

2018-05-16 10:14:16 UTC  

@Ethan There were a bridge to Crimea in USSR but it wasn't finished so it was damaged by ice drift and then deconstructed. After that they abandoned the project. Now I don't give a fuck about a victory of russian propaganda. Thats OK that they built that bridge so when communists will take power back in the region they won't have to build it themselves xd

2018-05-16 10:27:51 UTC  

@Mr. X It's funny when selfish marketfag believes that he will never become disabled or something until he actually becomes.
In socialist planned economy everyone earns by the amount of socially useful works he done, not at the behest of the market. So marketfag could be a very qualified specialist(labor aristocracy) that benefits from the market at this moment but it's not fact that he will benefit from it some time later, a porky or a retarded classcuck
Yeah, speculators, rentiers and other parasites are very productive to economy lol

2018-05-16 10:44:30 UTC  

No, I'll be benefitted the better I work. Simple as. And no I wont become disabled, Im not a communist.

2018-05-16 10:59:01 UTC  

Under socialism you are also benefited if you work better. But all products of your work will benefit you, not some porky parasite. Did you learn about socialism from Ayn Rands shitty fiction book?
Marketfaggotry is a mentlally disease like Stockholm Syndrome, it's much worse than being just disabled

2018-05-16 11:34:58 UTC  

Despite the fact that it hasnt failed and communism has many times. Surre. And no you're not benefitted since you wont get rich and benefit your family.

2018-05-16 11:35:13 UTC  

And would likely suffer poverty with a lot more people

2018-05-16 11:35:20 UTC  

Genius idea

2018-05-16 11:36:47 UTC  

"Not being a commiecuck is worse than being disabled"

2018-05-16 11:55:20 UTC  

No no no

2018-05-16 11:55:40 UTC  

Not being a commiecuck = disabled

2018-05-16 11:58:03 UTC  

No being a commiecuck = disabled

2018-05-16 11:58:59 UTC  

Im bored, gonna play skyrim and gta then sleep

2018-05-16 11:59:03 UTC  


2018-05-16 12:15:58 UTC  

If everyone has all they need and property stratification is minimal there are no really rich and poor. And if you just wanna be rich by parasiting on somebodys labor just kys fag

2018-05-16 12:16:22 UTC  

Bourgeois revolutions failed too

2018-05-16 12:17:12 UTC  

But capitalism was inevitable because it grew out of feudalism controversy

2018-05-16 12:18:16 UTC  

Just like as socialism is inevitable because it grow out of class controversy of capitalism

2018-05-16 15:29:05 UTC  

More like it grows out of selfish people who have no idea how money or economics work. Socialism and communism is honestly the most selfish ideology in history. It praises the killing and almost extermination of an entire segment of the population just because they have more money. @JohnyWoo why should I be okay with people killing other humans just because they have more money and the killers want more money without putting in the time and effort to gain that money?

2018-05-16 15:54:41 UTC  

@killsometime Wow, that's a great knowledge of how economics work. Thinking that killing people for money is the main principle of how communism works - why hadn't we seen this before? How had this even been working for 70 years, by the way, also giving the resources for rapid industrialization, victory over Nazis and post-war reconstruction?
You don't know what's communism or socialism. Communists don't want to kill capitalists. Engels was a son of rich factory owner. Many rich Russians were donating money to the Bolsheviks before 1917. What we do want is to get rid of social classes. We can't do it if private property isn't abolished. The thing is that most capitalists resist it, and they're pretty powerful. If we don't destroy them, they'll destroy us. White Russian terror was much, much more horrific that the Red one.
I doubt that anyone who uses arguments like 'communists want to kill people for money' will quit doing it anytime soon. Just go away, kid. GTFO. Dixi.

2018-05-16 16:05:31 UTC  

The reason the Soviet Union was able to defeat Nazis is because Hitler was a complete idiot in tactics and never mentioned his plans to the Japanese. Your post war reconstruction was facilitated in part by the US and the Marshall Plan which helped parts of the Soviet Union and most of Eastern Europe. The rapid industrialization was because of a massive displacement of people from the initial Nazi invasion along with US and British economic and resources aid.

Exactly how do you plan to take the private property and wealth of individuals who don’t want to give it away? The Soviet Union as nearly every other communist nation since then, simply make laws that legalize the killings of people who “conspire against the Revolution” or something similar along those lines and have the police do the dirty work that the common people wouldn’t.

2018-05-16 16:17:38 UTC  

Hitler created a mass party, installed a totalitarian dictatorship and managed to conquer most of continental Europe. Couldn't be done by an idiot. He just overestimated his forces.
Marshall Plan? I knew you're dumb. Not a single socialist country participated in the Marshall Plan. The USSR reconstructed itself and Eastern Europe using only its own industry and resources.
I was talking about 1930's industiralization, well before the Nazi invasion. The USSR became world's 2nd industrial power by 1937.

How do we abolish private property? Frankly I don't know. Ways to do it will be different in every country. Property of counter-revolutionaries could be taken immediately. We'd have the rest by abolishing right to inherit and so on.
>The Soviet Union as nearly every other communist nation since then, simply make laws that legalize the killings of people who “conspire against the Revolution” or something similar along those lines and have the police do the dirty work that the common people wouldn’t.
Same 'communists killed people for money' argument. Boring. How can one unironically believe that there were no conspiracies and everyone was loyal to the Revolution?

2018-05-16 16:28:32 UTC  

The reason why SU managed to defeat Hitler is because it had a superior economic system

2018-05-16 16:28:48 UTC  

And superior industry

2018-05-16 16:28:56 UTC  

That's simply all

2018-05-16 16:29:30 UTC  


2018-05-16 19:23:19 UTC  

It wasn’t because of economics. It was because of pure military strategy. Hitler was a complete moron in this yet he continued to force himself into every militant decision rather than listen to his experienced generals. He laid out unrealistic goals for his military and continuously changed the main objective between Leningrad, Moscow, and then Stalingrad. All while fighting along a massive front. This was all made worse because he never saw the Japanese as true allies due to them being racially inferior. Because of this, the Soviets were able to call in their reserves from the east who would’ve been distracted by Japanese forces if they would’ve coordinated together. Zhokov was stationed in the east before being sent west which means he would’ve definitely been dealing with the Japanese instead of the Germans.

It was Hitler and his stupidity that allowed the Soviets to win the war. The economic might you are claiming didn’t even take shape until after the tides of war changed against the Nazis

2018-05-16 19:25:11 UTC  

His supplies all were over extended because it completely relied on houses and man power. Trains were used to transport prisoners. Even though the final weeks of the Reich, trains were not used for military supplies

2018-05-17 11:50:52 UTC  

@killsometime Communists don't really want to kill someone, they just want to abolish the capitalist class economically. So former bourgs can become workers. And it's not because they just have more money, it's because they are parasites and production could be produced and redistributed in more efficient for all of the society way.

2018-05-17 12:01:11 UTC  

Just the idea you label any human as a parasite is enough to show your level of hatred for them. Dehumanizing people is always the first step in extermination. This has been proven in every massacre in history. The leadership of a people get the populace get the general public to see the target as sub human and not deserving at least the decency of being respected. Once they see the humanity of their enemies eliminated.... horrendous things occur.

How would you deal with the ones who don’t want to play along? The ones who are breaking the law of this communist state? Traditionally these individuals do not have long life expectancies. How would you explain for the mass executions and labor camps that are many communist nations are notorious for? Such as North Korea, Cuba, and USSR.

2018-05-17 12:10:16 UTC  

He is a parasite economically and can stop being such unlike subhuman etc
There are somebody who brakes the law in every country so it's not something unusual. USSR didn't have much more prisoners than USA for example. About executed - there was only 640k during all of the Stalins reign period. This number is including a lot of fascist henchmen during the WW2

2018-05-17 12:19:41 UTC  

I’m not debating the numbers. Im debating the reason for the numbers. Communist nations are very notorious for eliminating any other opinion and ideology that isn’t communist. Stalin’s purges are a prime example

2018-05-17 12:22:09 UTC  

Bourgeois revolutionaries did the same

2018-05-17 16:06:56 UTC  

And I’m not saying they didn’t do the same in other countries either. While not as common, they still do it from time to time. But there are people here saying the communist nations are immune from this while historically it’s just not the case. Communist nations are infamous for their purging of society to eliminate anyone who is deemed hostile or opposed to the in power regime.

2018-05-17 21:05:04 UTC  

communism doesnt work you dumb motherfuckers