Message from @youssef
Discord ID: 318630114697150484
i didnt wana post this cause someone might leak it but heres a permenent link, (i think)
if your friend have that link it should send them here
OK. I sent him the one that lasts a day. He should get it.
I'll call him tomorrow to make sure.
@JTThrasher (TWP-Lynchburg, Va.) Same goes for Nevada (minus Vegas and Reno).
Fuck I almost got arrested for open carrying.
Yeah, don't do that.
Yea. Ive learned that lesson.
Concealed Carry Forever.
Gotta run. Stay fashy.
Hail fellow fashy goys
Heil Heimbach! o/
Dude I about died when they started that shit xD
skirnir who you with?
kk fixed
Much appreciated
oh u can change ur nicknames for each server, so u can have what ever the other guys know u buy instead of a bunch of numbers
or i can just set your nickname if u say it insteadof finding the setting urelf
Im keeping the numbers.
Do I show up as numbers?
no as skirnir42, but i mean if ur guys know u as dave markus or something we can change it to say that name for the server
Wait. Never mind. Did a tad bit of drinking XD
tad bit was my last words b4 i got cucked by my gf and not allowed to drink anymore.
Also I am drunk so proof of concept.
Damn dude XD I've had four out of a six pack and it got me there, been a while since I've actually gotten buzzed.
My problem is I only drink beer. Of course by beer I mean 8% malts or steel reserve. lit nigger beer.
So last time I stopped drinking (on my own) I got terribly sick. I have mastered this though. I will never quit drinking this time. Never drunk, never sober is the way to be.
Alcoholics are the master race.
Eh I would much rather spend my money on tech not only for the Pi system but also Guns, Sights and other fancies.
Yep. That is pretty much why I next to quit. Sunday is like me/my grils Friday so I thought 3-4 beers would be ok. Had no effect outside of slight retardation. I am saving up for an air bow.