Message from @Offender
Discord ID: 555208687489122336
So you calling Gaza small?
@Offender explain Israel’s War of Independence
With my proposal
Is what an invasion
If both don’t agree then lol I have no idea
Israel usually agrees
They want peace
did you know that balfour had relations with a niece of lord rothchild
Explain the end of ww2
WW3 never happened
But it never went hot.
first ww was the boer war in south africa
If Palestine went to War with Israel who would Win
the brits had all their puppets drummed up against some african nations rodesia and SA
us has 13 times the size of the largest army
Palestine is not Israel
The region used to be Judea until the Romans
It is a REGION
Okay enough
You are really anti-Semitic
I’m not talking about you
It is their right
Birth right
semite is a language , go fuck yourself with your buzzwords
Have you never heard of the birthright programme?
jews need it or they wont breed
they are to socially retarded to fond a mate
you could get jailed over nothing
NK is saver
I’m going there next year, very excited.