Message from @BetterRedThanDead
Discord ID: 545033691802370048
the pilots were really disconnected from what they were actually doing .as they were doing it from above
Yes, it is inhumane, but it wasn't a "genocide"
The person who planned the bombing was Arthur Harris, ever heard of him?
this video explains it well
Pretty much, it boils down to this, and ima quote him. "The Nazi's entered this war with the childish delusion that they can bomb anybody they want, and nobody will bomb them. After London, Rotterdam, Warsaw, and countless other places, we are putting this move into action. They serve the wind, and now they reap the whirlwind."
So you're saying American troops can just go to Dresden and take it?
You realize that would take more lives than Dresden did?
*the bombing "Phosphorous, Used Contrary to International Law" phorphorus was also used in these bombings which is a violation of warfare and international law
The Irish potato famine was a genocide
churchill was a puppet of the rothschilds
yes indeed @Eamonmcb the british empire was controlled by the rothschilds
it had a central bank controlled by them
The founding of America was a real genocide
that too @BetterRedThanDead
Churchill is a faggot
This isn't a "German website" it's just bias Nazi apologetic.
It doesn't cite it's sources
ANother issue.
Phosphorous GAS
The WW1 kind.
Phosphorous in bombers is different.
Dresden was a military target and the Nazi's started this war.
Wheres justice for Warsaw?
These countries didn't start the war.
Also, Warsaw killed WAAY more people than Dresden, and lasted for much longer too.
The founding of Israel is functionally the world's greatest genocide
How so?
There are more Palestinians that have been killed than anyone else.
Any other claimed genocide
ww2 and ww1 was a genocide .it was done by the bankers .i count that as a genocide
@Määtä Köskelä Bringt nicht so viel mit ihnen zu diskutieren weil sich ihre Sichtweise nicht ändern lässt.
Wer ernsthaft meint "Bänker oder Juden" hätten irgendwie den zweiten Weltkrieg verursacht hat zu viel auf 4chan rumgesurft.
Krieg ist scheiße und kostet ziviles Leben.
Die Deutschen haben über den gesammten Krieg die Zivilisten nie gut behandelt.
Und wie du schon sagtest.. in Dresden sind keine millionen gestorben sondern 20-30k maximal.
Dresden war auch nicht die einzige deutsche Stadt die komplett kaputt gebombt wurde wegen strategischen Gründe.
Magdeburg wurde auch komplett dem erdboden gleichgemacht wie hunderte andere städte auch in deutschland.
Wenn man die alliierten anpinkeln will in dem Gebiet sollte man lieber über Nagasaki und Hiroshima reden als über Dresden...