Message from @Määtä Köskelä

Discord ID: 545032119085301770

2019-02-12 23:52:25 UTC  

Would you mind giving us actual proof that it was "full of refugees"?

2019-02-12 23:53:19 UTC

2019-02-12 23:53:41 UTC  

The bombing took place in February 13-15th 1945, the city being almost completely destroyed.

2019-02-12 23:53:47 UTC  

But heres the problem with your argument.

2019-02-12 23:53:57 UTC  

One: only about 25,000 died, not "hundreds of thousands"

2019-02-12 23:54:31 UTC  

Two: In 1945, Dresden was objectively a military target. The map shows the one big city in East Germany? That's Dresden.

2019-02-12 23:55:20 UTC  

Dresden employed 50,000 workers for the war machine, and was one of the last supply roots supplying the German Army in Russia(What was left of Army Group center/South after Operation Kutuzov in 1944)

2019-02-12 23:55:59 UTC  

The city produced tanks, ammunition, and food for the German army.

2019-02-12 23:56:03 UTC  

And can you give me any proof that they "attacked the people fleeing the city?"

2019-02-12 23:58:16 UTC this is the best and most historically accurate documentary about what happened to dresden and the rest of the cities that were firebombed

2019-02-12 23:58:19 UTC  
2019-02-12 23:58:33 UTC  

it also shows the motives behind the planned firebombings

2019-02-12 23:58:41 UTC  

@Offender Also, when you say "next they firebombed it" sounds like you trying to gain our sympathy. That's how firebombing works. HE to blow open buildings, then petrolium jelly/napalm to set fire.

2019-02-12 23:59:31 UTC  

its an inhumane and savage form of warfare .it was a crime against humanity

2019-02-13 00:00:01 UTC  

the pilots were really disconnected from what they were actually doing .as they were doing it from above

2019-02-13 00:00:04 UTC  

Yes, it is inhumane, but it wasn't a "genocide"

2019-02-13 00:00:29 UTC  

The person who planned the bombing was Arthur Harris, ever heard of him?

2019-02-13 00:00:31 UTC  
2019-02-13 00:02:20 UTC  

Pretty much, it boils down to this, and ima quote him. "The Nazi's entered this war with the childish delusion that they can bomb anybody they want, and nobody will bomb them. After London, Rotterdam, Warsaw, and countless other places, we are putting this move into action. They serve the wind, and now they reap the whirlwind."

2019-02-13 00:02:54 UTC  

So you're saying American troops can just go to Dresden and take it?

2019-02-13 00:03:03 UTC  

You realize that would take more lives than Dresden did?

2019-02-13 00:03:06 UTC  

*the bombing

2019-02-13 00:08:02 UTC "Phosphorous, Used Contrary to International Law" phorphorus was also used in these bombings which is a violation of warfare and international law

2019-02-13 00:08:20 UTC  

The Irish potato famine was a genocide

2019-02-13 00:08:29 UTC  

churchill was a puppet of the rothschilds

2019-02-13 00:08:43 UTC  

yes indeed @Eamonmcb the british empire was controlled by the rothschilds

2019-02-13 00:08:51 UTC  

it had a central bank controlled by them

2019-02-13 00:08:54 UTC  

The founding of America was a real genocide

2019-02-13 00:09:02 UTC  
2019-02-13 00:09:02 UTC  

Churchill is a faggot

2019-02-13 00:09:08 UTC  

This isn't a "German website" it's just bias Nazi apologetic.

2019-02-13 00:09:14 UTC  

It doesn't cite it's sources

2019-02-13 00:09:15 UTC  


2019-02-13 00:09:17 UTC  

ANother issue.

2019-02-13 00:09:18 UTC  

The founding of Israel is a genocide as well

2019-02-13 00:09:24 UTC  

Phosphorous GAS

2019-02-13 00:09:31 UTC  

The WW1 kind.

2019-02-13 00:09:38 UTC  

Phosphorous in bombers is different.

2019-02-13 00:09:55 UTC  

Dresden was a military target and the Nazi's started this war.

2019-02-13 00:09:58 UTC  

Wheres justice for Warsaw?

2019-02-13 00:10:00 UTC  
