Message from @Kin/Poni

Discord ID: 604763170979971083

2019-07-27 19:49:26 UTC  

im not saying that no growth is inherently bad but im just comparing two models in their efficacy at wealth creation

2019-07-27 19:49:46 UTC  

also yeah most of these collapsed so uhmm

2019-07-27 19:50:38 UTC  

gee i wonder if you could give a reason why the marxsist-leninist states of the 20th ceuntry are no longer around

2019-07-27 19:50:48 UTC  

wh ywoudl you want to create "wealth"

2019-07-27 19:50:55 UTC  

what's this "wealth" you're speaking of

2019-07-27 19:51:01 UTC  

you mean, make more money?

2019-07-27 19:51:02 UTC  

its not the matter of my argument

2019-07-27 19:51:11 UTC  

I'm just saying, capitalism is better at wealth creation

2019-07-27 19:51:18 UTC  

in order to make more money you maximize profits and minimize spendings

2019-07-27 19:51:24 UTC  


2019-07-27 19:51:34 UTC  

and what's thsi wealth your speakign soo much abotut, taht you care soo much about

2019-07-27 19:52:00 UTC  

you're talking abour money isn't it?

2019-07-27 19:52:03 UTC  

to generate profit

2019-07-27 19:52:08 UTC  

more and more and more profit

2019-07-27 19:52:21 UTC  

coudl you tell me WHO owns the profit?

2019-07-27 19:52:23 UTC  

yeah generally money, or at least things you can represent in money

2019-07-27 19:52:28 UTC  


2019-07-27 19:52:36 UTC  

tell me WHO owns the "wealth"

2019-07-27 19:52:38 UTC  

thats being made

2019-07-27 19:52:49 UTC  

who gets the "wealth" in capitalism

2019-07-27 19:52:55 UTC  

certainlly not the state right?

2019-07-27 19:53:03 UTC  

and cerainlly not teh workers right?

2019-07-27 19:53:20 UTC  

i wodner who could that be

2019-07-27 19:53:41 UTC  

someone that benefits form teh system of worker's exploitation in order to infinietlly accumulate profit for their own use.........

2019-07-27 19:53:46 UTC  

but what are they called?!

2019-07-27 19:53:56 UTC  

i realise that there is a big problem that capitalism generates wealth mostly for the richeset but my point is, if you dont have that then you dont have any wealth to speak of in the first place

2019-07-27 19:54:09 UTC  

"capitalism generates wealth mostly for the richeset"

2019-07-27 19:54:14 UTC  

you need some wealth in the first place to then redistribute it equally

2019-07-27 19:54:17 UTC  

who is it supposed to generate profit for?

2019-07-27 19:54:25 UTC  

anwser my question ^

2019-07-27 19:54:41 UTC  

for all the people?

2019-07-27 19:55:05 UTC  

how do oyu generate profit for all the people if you have private ownership of buisnesses and a free market?

2019-07-27 19:55:14 UTC  

the people who reap the profits are the owners of buisnesses not the workers

2019-07-27 19:55:32 UTC  


2019-07-27 19:56:18 UTC  

how do you generate profit for "all the people" if you have private ownership of buisnesses and a free market?

2019-07-27 19:56:39 UTC  

the owners are the ones that earn money on the free market

2019-07-27 19:56:49 UTC  

teh worker's are subject to wage slavery

2019-07-27 19:57:04 UTC  

through redistribution

2019-07-27 19:57:16 UTC  

very high progressive taxes

2019-07-27 19:57:48 UTC  

Who do you tax? @rogalik

2019-07-27 19:57:51 UTC  

the owners?