Message from @Erika.ϟϟ🇮🇪
Discord ID: 435923112274558987
I really want to know what he meant
Free markets means everyone gets a tent and a table
Did you not read the communist manifesto?
@HypeByron#3396 it was in an attempt to say Nazi Germany was anti capitalist, which is complete bullshit
Nazi Germany was state capitalism, and NatSoc as a principal is anti capitalist
nice joke
when praxis doesn’t matter because anti capitalist speeches
I've heard that this computer runs incredibly fast if you wear all black
It only runs on white power though
@kaiser.#2816 Finally, a computer that only runs off of white power.
Or forced jew labour
Jew labor is a nono.
@DA GOMMIE JOO#7269 Ehh, it is more of an economic model when you think about it.
fair point but this guy's arguing that it's when people can make choices
and that profit motive has nothing to do with capitalism
I'll post the thread in a second
Throw a dictionary at his head, because he clearly dosen't get it.
actually conflicted as to capitalism being an ideology
it’s not really an ideology, but some people treat it as it was
When in actuality, it isn't an ideology.
if capitalism isn't an ideology then what the hell is it
I don’t know. It’s like saying Socialism isn’t an ideology
I mean it has theory and praxis
you can read capitalist theory
you can build a country on capitalist theory
@yung But socialism isn't only an economic theory.
and it has philosophy
Socialism is an economic theory
Communism is more of an ideology