Message from @killsometime

Discord ID: 463456619653496845

2018-07-02 21:23:05 UTC  

There's a population of Cubans in Miami that might be turned against you and their's inroads domestically that they might have

2018-07-02 21:23:23 UTC  

True, but that's not my point

2018-07-02 21:23:29 UTC  

What is your point

2018-07-02 21:23:30 UTC  

The point is that the US's word is worthless

2018-07-02 21:24:04 UTC  

Are you sure that doesn’t change nation by nation? President by President? Action by action?

2018-07-02 21:24:16 UTC  

Every action has a reaction

2018-07-02 21:24:31 UTC  

One good action has one in return, a bad one has a bad reaction

2018-07-02 21:24:33 UTC  

Nation by nation, sure, but it's also to do with each country's position on the "game board" as it were

2018-07-02 21:24:56 UTC  

The US has everything to gain and nothing to lose by Korean denuclearization and the reverse for the DPRK

2018-07-02 21:25:24 UTC  

The US could do practically anything and the west will back them and the east will be forced to deal with them

2018-07-02 21:25:56 UTC  

because trying to take them on is a difficult task and doing difficult things is hard

2018-07-02 21:26:09 UTC  

Funding Jihadi rebels in Syria? nah that's fine

2018-07-02 21:26:24 UTC  

Sex abuse in detention facilities? Literally spying on EU citizens?

2018-07-02 21:26:37 UTC  

Black sites in Poland?

2018-07-02 21:27:18 UTC  

Russia is more trustworthy in this regard

2018-07-02 21:27:30 UTC  

because they have a more limited economy and diplomatic arsenal

2018-07-02 21:27:52 UTC  

They can't afford to piss off their friends and make new enemies

2018-07-02 21:28:04 UTC  

Their military isn't capable of occupying the world

2018-07-02 21:30:45 UTC  

You don’t think the US sees a denuclearized as something that is of interest to the US and its allies?

If you’re going to use military strength as a measure of trustworthiness then why does NK trust Russia more then China? For the same reason you just laid out. There are a number of reasons they don’t trust Russia more than China. There is a lot more to consider when it comes to how nations respond and interact with each other on a global level. Yes, brute power has some say in it but it isn’t the only thing that dictates it.

2018-07-02 21:30:59 UTC  

Why would the US lie and trigger North Korea?

2018-07-02 21:31:08 UTC  

To have them decimate Seoul?

2018-07-02 21:31:19 UTC  

Ruin the economy of Japan and SK?

2018-07-02 21:31:37 UTC  

Well yeah, it's the nuclearization that's in the way of their conquest of the DPRK. They have a lot to gain by comprimising their security, lol

2018-07-02 21:32:08 UTC  

I mean why does it compromise their security?

2018-07-02 21:32:23 UTC  

Because they have an outdated military and nuclear weapons are an effective deterrent

2018-07-02 21:32:37 UTC  

With China defending them

2018-07-02 21:32:44 UTC  

That's fickle

2018-07-02 21:32:48 UTC  

They didn't defend them at the UN

2018-07-02 21:33:48 UTC  

They do defend NK a lot but I’ll let you have this.

If the Chinese won’t come to the help of NK then why doesn’t the US just move in and take out the sites before they can react?

2018-07-02 21:33:52 UTC  

and the DPRK is in a strange situation with China and Russia. Historically it's been more allies with the USSR than with China, but it's military does have ties to China's. Additionally, there's worries that they may be seen as a client state by the Chinese whilst with the Russians they might be an effective tool.

2018-07-02 21:34:02 UTC  

They don't know where the sites are.

2018-07-02 21:34:18 UTC  

and it's not known whether the chinese are bluffing or not

2018-07-02 21:34:55 UTC  

It is known that the US doesn't have a lot of ability to infiltrate the DPRK. There's ethnic, language and behavioral differences that give them away.

2018-07-02 21:36:37 UTC  

Also the situation with the south China sea is a bit weird

2018-07-02 21:39:17 UTC  

They kinda do. It’s not a big nation. The US can and has found the nuclear sites. The only reason they haven’t is because of the reaction they will have from China. The nation you claim is an unfaithful ally.

They don’t need to infiltrate. They can take the nation within days with a full out military operation that moves in from 3 directions

2018-07-02 21:39:27 UTC  

It wouldn’t be the most difficult operation

2018-07-02 21:39:34 UTC  

Especially if China is an unfaithful ally

2018-07-02 21:39:38 UTC  

Yeah that's retarded

2018-07-02 21:39:47 UTC  

The DPRK has a standing army of several million

2018-07-02 21:39:59 UTC  

Additionally, we're talking about silos, not nuclear enrichment centers

2018-07-02 21:40:08 UTC  

They have google earth pictures.