Message from @tao lin
Discord ID: 494259289016500224
Female genital mutilation is practiced by Christians, too
(In Africa)
Yes, that was earlier
not now
That was in relation to other things
I came here hoping for civilized, educated discussion of only what a moral and informed person would believe, only to find Faux News fanboys preaching literal nazism
Yeah, it's ridiculous
@Sarkara you sound like a fed
are you implying im for wahhabism or MLs are for wahhabism
You are tolerant of it
how so
You're fine with them just establishing socialism
@DA GOMMIE JOO why would a fed bother this place? we're on the right side of history
I grew up a shia and my family did as well
while they're still killing gays
not sure how i’d be wahhabi
@Sarkara yep that definitely sounds sus
how does socialism tolerate wahhabism
Socialism can be had with it or without it
I'm not saying it tolerates it. I am saying that you do
then you’re making an argument against wahhabism and not socialism
how do i tolerate it
I am a socialist
I want socialism for my people
and people who aren't evil oppressors
how do i tolerate it
im not made of straw fam
You said that if they can just seize control of the means of production, they can establish socialism. This is what you wanted
you have insufficiently proved your dedication to good, moral behavior
But you don't care that they'll still hate and oppress the Jews
that’s literally socialism you dumbass
Why should a Jew side with other poor people, who want to kill him?
Why should a gay do it?
TIL socialism isn’t dem ownership of the MOP
Why shouldn't a gay side with a richer class?