Message from @Adolf Hitler

Discord ID: 526303116392398849

2018-12-23 00:24:30 UTC  

Good afternoon fellas

2018-12-23 02:33:02 UTC  

>kulaks hoard the grain during a famine, starving the rest of the country
>stalin gets blamed for dealing with them
>stalin gets blamed for famine, of course

2018-12-23 02:40:37 UTC  
2018-12-23 02:40:41 UTC  

A daily reminder

2018-12-23 02:41:08 UTC  

Also, game theory used a Nazbol flag? o_O

2018-12-23 04:03:35 UTC  

when we look at the wandering stars .venus,mars,neptune,jupiter,saturn,venus,etc with our telescope and nikon p900 camera what we see is a shining blinking light .they do not appear spherical or even remotely close to the nasa version of these wandering stars .these nasa pictures are not photos they are cgi and do not represent how these stars look like in reality in other words they are not representations of reality .these stars are not trillion of light years away they are just a few miles away and are located in the firmament .and we know this is so because we have tested this hundreds of times with our own telescopes and nikon p900 cameras .these experiments are repeatable,observable and testable .polaris the north star also shows us that the earth does not move only the firmament does @DA GOMMIE JOO

2018-12-23 04:04:07 UTC  

the earth is flat and it does not have any curvature as many flat earth experiments have shown like laser tests,boats and buildings appearing to be dissapear behind the supposed curve due to our field of view our eyes are only able to view far away things until a certain point then it appears to have gone over the supposed curve but as we know the farther something goes the tinier it gets but we can bring that far away boat back into view by zooming into it with our p900 camera and this shows us that there is no curvature .the globe earth curvature calculator tells us that every certain amount of miles theres supposed to be curvature .other things also show us that theres no curvature no spin of the earth programmed into those government created commercial and private plane pilot training simulators .and they dont take into account the curvature when they build train tracks .also the rail gun doesnt take into account curvature or the spin of the earth it fires a shot straight into the plane and works perfectly and many other things show us that there is not curve .also the commercial plane flight paths show us that the earth is not a globe and the way planes fly and there has never been a north to south circumnavigation .and flat earth ballooon launches with a non fish eyed lense camera attaches to the ballooon which shows no curvature of the earth .and last but not least antartica and the antartic threaty .this is just a quick summary of a few things that show us the reality of the physical world that we live in .i can back up these claims if you want me to .stop pretending you want to know about ancient egypt if you really did you would no longer believe in the evolution hoax as the statues and pyramids and heiroglyphs is proof also that history is cyclical as the vedic calender explains

2018-12-23 04:05:10 UTC  
2018-12-23 04:05:13 UTC  

Why did you put that much effort in?

2018-12-23 04:05:24 UTC  

im a scientist thats why

2018-12-23 04:05:31 UTC  


2018-12-23 04:06:36 UTC  

i know i did not explain things perfectly one reason for this is because im tired

2018-12-23 04:07:05 UTC  

air balloon i meant*

2018-12-23 04:35:47 UTC  

>is a scientist
>believes the world is flat

2018-12-23 07:40:36 UTC  

@Adolf Hitler okay let's continue here

2018-12-23 07:40:41 UTC  


2018-12-23 07:40:41 UTC  

so as I was saying

2018-12-23 07:40:44 UTC  

hol up

2018-12-23 07:40:47 UTC  

hol up

2018-12-23 07:40:52 UTC  


2018-12-23 07:41:06 UTC  

let me get my sources

2018-12-23 07:41:28 UTC  

the hubble space telescope is about 13 meters across

2018-12-23 07:41:35 UTC  

that's pretty big

2018-12-23 07:41:42 UTC  

no dont switch to another object

2018-12-23 07:41:44 UTC  

earth is 6 million meters across

2018-12-23 07:41:48 UTC  

that's slightly larger

2018-12-23 07:41:52 UTC  

you fucking shit! 😡

2018-12-23 07:42:01 UTC  

and starman is 341 billion meters away from earth

2018-12-23 07:42:01 UTC  

why cant we stick to one object

2018-12-23 07:42:08 UTC  

I'm giving an example here

2018-12-23 07:42:13 UTC  

you're asking why we can't see satellites

2018-12-23 07:42:19 UTC  

and we need a satellite as a reference

2018-12-23 07:42:41 UTC  

now I'm not too bright
but 341 billion meters is pretty far away

2018-12-23 07:42:50 UTC  

yeah satellites in the "real" photos and videos from space

2018-12-23 07:43:10 UTC  

on the surface of the world is a whole other story

2018-12-23 07:43:22 UTC  

now 341 billion is 26230769230.8 times bigger than 13