Message from @LovelyMonky
Discord ID: 411974296039325696
in 3081 its zimbabwe
and the earth is now a transhumanist society
@Deleted User I am, but no one but you cares how old anyone is, whatever your age you have the mental age of a child, you can only call names
I have the mental age of a child?
You can't even use stupid correctly
i have the mental age of a dog
And your arguments are stupid
The server just shit on you
What did dogs ever do to deserve such insults? <:PlzRember:345369196202426368>
its not an insult
you see
all the human governments
are just puppets of the dogs
they are a shadow government
Zimbabwe will rue the world
They tricked everyone into thinking it was the lizards..but it was the dogs all along!!!!
at first
they laughed at bangladesh and zimbabwe
**they arent laughing anymore**
@LovelyMonky trolling is fun
so is shit posting
The space diffrentiates retards from funny people
here im quite serious
Today I woke up and said I'd stop acting retarded for once
Jews own social media
But here I am
i was born with brain aids
whats 1 plus 9 @Deleted User