Message from @amsalem
Discord ID: 414167334832308228
zionist leftism dosent exist
you cant be zionist and then want to give land to the arabs
Me? A *centrist?*
nigga a commie
"Jews and arabs suffered the same" @Deleted User that's centrism. The suffering has been caused by international Zionism
@Firefly Why do you follow leninism, when it was 100X as much as a failure as stalin's policies, which were also for the most part failures?
yeah its not like there was a massacare here in 1927
@Meir Kahana: Zionism has always been divided into a right wing and leftist wing. The kibbutz, for example, are the ultimate expression of Left Zionist colonialism
its cuz we took the land guys :DDDDDD
not now days
now can you explain me one thing
why was there a jewish massacare here in 1927?
we dident took any land
arabs are barbaric sub-humans and we need to transfer them
Since 1917 and, last century, Zionism has planned to take much of Palestine under economic agreements with the British crown. I do not justify murder by creed or racial issues,. However, Hitler was right: Jewish Zionism is what it is: a parasitic movement that has triumphed.
we deserve a country.
just like the americans fought to
and the franch
Israel is an artificial country; compare it with a war of independence is anachronistic
explain yourself then
Created uniting Jews of multiple ethnicities, unrelated to Palestine or even, without direct inheritance of the Jewish natives in Palestine.
palestine never existed
british empire controlled here
the nickname for this place was palastina thats it
and palestinians was a nickname for both jews and arabs living there during the british control
Palestine has always existed, it was a Roman province, it was a province of the Arab empire, then after the regional divisions and with the Ottoman Empire.. Palestine, de jure, has always had a real legal-material representation, not unlike Israel, a biblical story, or an isolated redoubt of all political relevance
we had 3 kingdoms here
way before your ottoman bullcrap
how much kingdoms did the arabs had here?
also known in the bible as cnaan
It is irrelevant. The truth is that Zionism is a movement that goes back thousands of years and has arisen artificially. Palestine, has always developed and has always received the treatment as such. After more than 2000 years of disconnection and irrelevance with Palestine, the Zionists wanted, under the memory of an imaginary god, to have a country based on the metaphysics of the divine
And, if it fits, Hamas music is catchier.