The Comrade Kim

Discord ID: 414152530818236417

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What is this and why do I feel like joining paradise?

That's an ideology I would stuck to.

I thought communists did not have hearts...

A myth has fallen.


K stands for "KGB".

Penetration is overstimated.

Oh, Nazbol chicks.

*Feelin' desire*

Seriously, it is a good debate.

Chinese bears are not gifted enough for a party.

Are ***twerking*** videos porn?

Twerk, the most socially accepted pornographic form according Dr. Collis: master of Marxism-Leninism and better person. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

***White juche intensifies***

If you are not a Marxist-Leninist, you are nothing. Stalin is our father and eternal savior

Stalin sacrificed himself for us creating beautiful fields of work to save the lost souls

@chill with that shit Stalin, alone, killed 665465465464 ยท 10^654654654654 people

@Deleted User Well, Stalin is the logical continuator of the Leninist work. Trotsky does not deserve mention

Like marijuana.

@Deleted User Well, if Stalin had followed Lenin's NEP, the USSR would have become a mixed economy

The jump to the five-year plan was a success, an overcoming of Leninism

@amsalem They are totally different conversations. Here we talk about the Leninist theory, not how the USSR was sold by the oligarchy that Stalin happily executed

In hell? What's this? Kebabpol?

First notice.

No sense. In Siberia, Stalin was revered.


@amsalem I do not know what problem you have with Castro; the life expectancy of the Cuban people is greater than the American


American, paki or martian.

There are always traitors, that is undeniable. It is impossible to organize a revolution without falling ballast

What is certain is that the Cuban people live longer, have a large sanitary, educational and internal system. If it were not for the blockade, another rooster.

What fuck are you talking about? And why do you go off on a tangent?

Oh, Google informed me about you.

***Oy vey***

Fucking disgusting.

Yes, certainly the good taste is not socialized.

"Muslim barbarics" ***Deus vult intensifies***

If there is so much disgust with the Jews, it will be for something. Zionism has shown it. The Jews are a race that conspires and the play in Palestine has gone very well for you.

Israel should not exist, that, as a predetermined axiom

Zionism in 1931 was the logical step to Balfour declaration: a Machiavellian plan to put people for nothing relevant in the Middle East in the name of an imaginary friend

@Thot devastator: you centrism make me feel sick.

@amsalem Yes, one country at the expense of others. The Zionists are the fucking bulwark of imperialism

Great Soviet heroes were Jews and some close friends of Stalin or Lenin, do not be an idiot

"Leftist jews" does not equal to "zionist leftism".

"Jews and arabs suffered the same" @Deleted User that's centrism. The suffering has been caused by international Zionism

@Meir Kahana: Zionism has always been divided into a right wing and leftist wing. The kibbutz, for example, are the ultimate expression of Left Zionist colonialism

Since 1917 and, last century, Zionism has planned to take much of Palestine under economic agreements with the British crown. I do not justify murder by creed or racial issues,. However, Hitler was right: Jewish Zionism is what it is: a parasitic movement that has triumphed.

Israel is an artificial country; compare it with a war of independence is anachronistic


Created uniting Jews of multiple ethnicities, unrelated to Palestine or even, without direct inheritance of the Jewish natives in Palestine.

Palestine has always existed, it was a Roman province, it was a province of the Arab empire, then after the regional divisions and with the Ottoman Empire.. Palestine, de jure, has always had a real legal-material representation, not unlike Israel, a biblical story, or an isolated redoubt of all political relevance

It is irrelevant. The truth is that Zionism is a movement that goes back thousands of years and has arisen artificially. Palestine, has always developed and has always received the treatment as such. After more than 2000 years of disconnection and irrelevance with Palestine, the Zionists wanted, under the memory of an imaginary god, to have a country based on the metaphysics of the divine

And, if it fits, Hamas music is catchier.

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