Message from @rogalik

Discord ID: 492671676321103882

2018-09-21 12:09:02 UTC  

>gun access is working well for the swiss
except that's old info and they backed off from it

2018-09-21 12:09:20 UTC  

partially because of such accidents

2018-09-21 12:12:00 UTC  

yeah I actually know that

2018-09-21 12:12:07 UTC  

but I was memeing

2018-09-21 12:12:16 UTC  

and anyway it was still better than in the US

2018-09-21 12:12:52 UTC  

the worst thing is all those insecure people "I have to carry muh gun to defend myself GRRR" <:grug:474506349741342720>

2018-09-21 12:13:17 UTC  

you can carry a gun and defend yourself in Poland as well, just get a fucking license, yes it's an effort but apparently you need it for your survival so...

2018-09-21 12:13:51 UTC  

and it will somewhat filter out dumb 50 iq grugs from shotgunning their neighbours

2018-09-21 12:14:51 UTC  

also, sometimes even people say that in case of a foreign invasion a country with liberal gun laws is more defensible

2018-09-21 12:15:23 UTC  

except it isnt because all those civillians are then legitimate military targets under international law and you can legally shell the hell out of them

2018-09-21 12:15:48 UTC  

>also, sometimes even people say that in case of a foreign invasion a country with liberal gun laws is more defensible
I seriously doubt it

2018-09-21 12:15:56 UTC  

and anyway how do you engage a military squad with some rednecks, jesus

2018-09-21 12:16:13 UTC  

>I seriously doubt it
I doubt it as well but I keep hearing about it

2018-09-21 12:16:56 UTC  

that the US is iinvincible because it has millions of civillians with guns

2018-09-21 12:17:12 UTC  

I'd rather say its invincible because it got the best military in the world by far

2018-09-21 12:18:16 UTC  

but with the US they have this deep in their cultural DNA

2018-09-21 12:18:40 UTC  

because actually people's millitia was a factor in the american revolutionary war

2018-09-21 12:19:05 UTC  

so rednecks will forever keep latching onto that

2018-09-21 12:19:43 UTC  

but its not only that the warfare has evolved so much that professional units will shell the fuck out of any rednecks

2018-09-21 12:20:52 UTC  

but also that even in that war in the first place, the militia was only succesfully when engaged supporting the bulk of professional forces to provide additional number advantage factor

2018-09-21 12:21:21 UTC  

it wasnt able to do anything against the british on its own

2018-09-21 12:21:51 UTC  

it was only after american military reorganization and when that militia itself got some actual training and was properly engaged that americans started achieving successes

2018-09-21 12:27:08 UTC  

>engage a military squad

2018-09-21 12:27:19 UTC  

that's what the insurgency is about and many of them succeded in the course of history?

2018-09-21 12:27:50 UTC  

>all those civillians are then legitimate military targets under international law and you can legally shell the hell out of them
yeah, that's kinda the mistake poland made in 1944
>they have this deep in their cultural DNA
I seriously doubt it's as much for "patriotic"/safety reasons as for them just wanting to shoot their guns. Sure they'll say they want guns because "muh patriotism" and "muh safety", but I doubt that's an honest reason. If guns were no fun to shoot with they'd forget about them. That's the genuine reason - fun. Strongest american value.

2018-09-21 12:28:06 UTC  

and these "rednecks" form militias all over the USA, actively shoot and traintogether

2018-09-21 12:28:06 UTC  

>that's what the insurgency is about and many of them succeded in the course of history?

2018-09-21 12:28:54 UTC

2018-09-21 12:29:18 UTC  

have you read what I said?

2018-09-21 12:29:29 UTC  

are you even remotely familiar with the american revolutionary war?

2018-09-21 12:29:33 UTC  

are you?

2018-09-21 12:29:48 UTC  

there was a professional american army that won the war

2018-09-21 12:30:11 UTC  

I mean not professional in the modern sense but actual standing army, not the militia

2018-09-21 12:30:23 UTC  

Washington didn't command the militia

2018-09-21 12:30:30 UTC  

you need sources?

2018-09-21 12:30:37 UTC  

The problem with insurgencies is they can be counterproductive. Poland lost an insufferable damage from Warsaw uprising . In political terms, in cultural terms and obviously in humane aspect. If those people lived poland would be a whole different country now

2018-09-21 12:31:23 UTC  

the problem with civillian insurgencies is that you can't win against an actual army, he isn't able to provide a single fucking proof

2018-09-21 12:33:48 UTC  

Yeah, you sometimes can (I wonder how often though). And you can make things at least somewhat harder for the occupying army.
The problem is, when you have a hammer in your hand, everything becomes a nail. Equip people with guns and they will seek an opportunity to use them.

2018-09-21 12:34:27 UTC  

First years of syria?

2018-09-21 12:36:47 UTC  

>First years of syria?

why "first years" only? state what is the outcome of the war: a professional army defeated the civillian insurgence

2018-09-21 13:05:17 UTC  
