Message from @hot sheet hot shit

Discord ID: 416100599663296512

2018-02-22 04:43:09 UTC  

I give up - if you're this determined not to believe me, fine, but it's pretty ridiculous lol

2018-02-22 04:47:23 UTC  

i just wanted to complain about how I got hurt and now i have to defend the fact it actually happened 😦 i give up on you guys

2018-02-22 04:47:27 UTC  


2018-02-22 04:48:18 UTC  

is this copy pasta

2018-02-22 04:48:20 UTC  


2018-02-22 04:49:23 UTC  

no lol u just make me very sad

2018-02-22 04:50:01 UTC  

wanna snuggle over it

2018-02-22 04:50:06 UTC  

send me your dick pic and ill rate

2018-02-22 04:51:34 UTC  

@hot sheet hot shit Very well then, thanks for admitting it.

2018-02-22 05:02:22 UTC  

admitting what?

2018-02-22 05:08:43 UTC  

Take a wild guess.

2018-02-22 05:09:41 UTC  

what the fuck's going on here

2018-02-22 05:09:50 UTC  

you got attacked in a subway

2018-02-22 05:10:58 UTC  

look, if you’re really not trolling I want you to know that you made me feel shitty and attacked when I came here to get support after being assaulted on the train. I don’t understand why you’re so determined to disbelieve me, but i’m a real person and you made me feel bad. i understand you don’t care, but I just want to say it.

2018-02-22 05:11:35 UTC  

@Brickiest Brick yeah, I got sucker punched for asking someone on the subway to move over and let me sit down.

2018-02-22 05:12:23 UTC  

oh shit

2018-02-22 05:12:37 UTC  

yeah subways can be fucking rough dude

2018-02-22 05:12:50 UTC  

i 100% believe you i hope you're alright man

2018-02-22 05:13:06 UTC  

you're ok right?

2018-02-22 05:15:05 UTC  

yeah it just sucks im gonna have to pay to get my teeth repaired

2018-02-22 05:15:13 UTC  

especially because it was so random

2018-02-22 05:15:28 UTC  

jesus christ yeah good luck hope that works out for ya

2018-02-22 05:15:30 UTC  

like i didnt do anything to deserve it despite the cops implying i did

2018-02-22 05:15:38 UTC  

fuck that dude on the subway

2018-02-22 05:15:47 UTC  

why did the cops imply it was your fault?

2018-02-22 05:15:54 UTC  

did you get in trouble with them?

2018-02-22 05:16:01 UTC  

@hot sheet hot shit Oh don't play the victim card here, you are incapable of proving that you were indeed the person who got beat up, stop playing the victim card to gain sympathy from random people on the internet to you feel better about yourself.

2018-02-22 05:16:31 UTC  

the cop just said it was my fault for asking him to move aside in the first place

2018-02-22 05:17:22 UTC  

rex why do you not believe this man

2018-02-22 05:17:28 UTC  

is there something i am missing

2018-02-22 05:17:44 UTC  

@Deleted User you’ve refused to tell me what sort of proof you would actually believe and have tols me the proof I DID provide wasn’t good enough, so i have accepted you’re determined to not believe me

2018-02-22 05:18:19 UTC  

that’s OK, i just wanted to tell you that it’s hurtful and made an already-bad day just a little worse

2018-02-22 05:19:20 UTC  

@hot sheet hot shit So in the case that you were actually the person, and your story was believeable, the person who kicked your ass was justified in doing so, because the officer stated that you harrased him? Good fucking work man, you must be a real great piece of shit.

@Brickiest Brick He is incapable of proving that he was the person who got got beat up on the train, and instead has resorted to playing the victim card for sympathy.

2018-02-22 05:19:58 UTC  

i mean im not completely sure what evidence you have against his story

2018-02-22 05:20:10 UTC  

just because you dont believe him doesnt mean he's wrong

2018-02-22 05:20:21 UTC  

@Brickiest Brick Not evidence that he wasn't on there, but he has a lack of evidence to prove that he was actually the person.

2018-02-22 05:20:27 UTC  

what are you talking about? I didn’t say the guy who beat me up was justified - I said the officer basically blamed me for getting attacked. obviously I disagree with that, I didn’t fucking deserve to be attacked

2018-02-22 05:20:54 UTC  

TELL ME what sort of evidence you would believe then, instead of saying “you’re too stupid to know what definitive proof would be”

2018-02-22 05:20:55 UTC  

@hot sheet hot shit Did I state that you claimed he was justified in doing so?

2018-02-22 05:21:12 UTC  

whoa ok stop this for a second

2018-02-22 05:21:19 UTC  

i need to ask you something hot sheet