Message from @DanEss
Discord ID: 420376540073689102
Much respect
Who's got that meme of heimbach that says he protec but he also atac
I wonder when the MMA will introduce the “Heimthrow”
100% of scientists agree: antifa are faggots
God bless heimbach tbh
Great fighter
Threw that soy boy like he was nothing
Hell yeah!
Everyone remember to keep @John Mosby in your prayers. He done good today and he needs a bit of rest
Of course
He's a hell of a dude. As a fellow skinny fuck, he reminds me that we can still dole out just as much hurt as the thicc bois
I can't stress enough that this number needs tied up.
This is the National Lawyers Guild snitch line.
If you don't want the boys getting arrested, shut it down.
NLG hotline 517-225-0551
That's the snitch line for National Lawyers Guild.
We need to tie that phone line down.
With what though?
Just call the number and waste time.
I’m going to pretend to be Vietnamese
Buk Lau style
Well I did recognize a guy in the live stream. It was a dude I know named Jimmy Russel. I'll let them know
Are we banned from isreal
You should get in voice chat while doing it lol, if you're not on your phone
I am sorry
First time I've been on the internet today. Can somebody give me a quick rundown of what happened in Michigan?
Our guys won fights 1:10
John Mosby blew his ear drum, other than that no real injury
@everyone please help me by doing your part and calling that number to expose Mr. Jimmy Russel
Gimme a quick rundown on Mr. Jimmy Russel and why he needs to be exposed
I saw him at about 14 seconds in on the video posted to Eric Striker's Twitter. Thank you
Jimmy Russel is a racist anti-Semite with possible ties to the KKK
But I'm for certain I saw Jimmy Russel at 14 seconds in on the video posted to Eric Striker's Twitter.
Thank you guys!
Got anything from today on YouTube? I can't see Facebook or Twitter <:spurdo:406662967371759617>
Greg Conte was arrested at the Richard Spencer event today at MSU. He needs bail. Please send crypto sheckels if you have them:
Etherum: 0xc92Ba43bb521a6738a94D961aaeFD601A39A931b
Please spread this message around through all the various channels
In other news I'm gonna walk over to the haircut place and get myself a nice haircut
HAIL BIGTORY <:spurdo:406662967371759617>
I saw what happened, you guys really pushed them back, fucks cops. Greg Conte getting arrested
Greg Conte literally did nothing, he was walking down a hill to join a group he was a associate with.
Literally police being trigger happy faggots.