Message from @RaHoWa Ryan
Discord ID: 420344269140787201
But we beat those Nigger loving commies down
Well boys we made TWP proud. Hail victory
Johan out
I'll charge my phone and send updates as they come
I agree with @Billy Ray Jenkins
I'm gonna start looking through footage and see if I can see when Mosby got hit and who hit him
That would be good
It was a biker looking fucker with a baton that hit mosby
Gotta roll out fellas. HV <:salute:390573776049274885>
Was he wearing a mask?
No mask just a ponytail white beard leather jacket
a boomer
There was clashes at the event?
Between our people and antifa?
From what I've heard, yes
The police didn’t do shit they left us with our ass in the wind . Not that I expected anything different
Is there footage of the fighting?
There were media everywhere
So there should be some good footage
I think another fat girl just had a heart attack
For real?
Some fat was just laying down surrounded by people
Possibly a fat faggot got knocked out
Can you link me the stream again?
I hope that one doesn't have a heart attack...
I'm going to find another link.
Do you think there is even a split second that they feel fucking ridiculous?
They’re just calling the cops Nazis now even though the cops protected the Antifa from our guys
So gay
They’re literal retards...
Really wish i was there