Message from @EthRabbi

Discord ID: 417644950457548800

2018-02-26 11:14:12 UTC  

If that suffices to prove that you don’t have a rebuttal, so be it.

2018-02-26 11:14:42 UTC  

no i mean i don't think white guilt is a real thing

2018-02-26 11:18:04 UTC  

You are wrong. We should be taught about the atrocities Europeans committed in history but it should be a minority of what is learnt in the national curriculum. Why? Because look at the objective indicators of the good Europeans have done for the world as opposed to the bad. Most Brits couldn’t name their first PM, most Germans can’t name who founded their constitution. But everyone knows everything about colonialism and genocide, because the school system pretends it isn’t an inherent evil of emerging civilisations and instills into the minds of young Europeans that we should be sorry instead of proud of our past.

2018-02-26 11:21:05 UTC  

i don't know of anyone who really wants you to apologize for those things. you said yourself it's important to learn from the mistakes of the past

2018-02-26 11:21:56 UTC  

that's just your ignorance

2018-02-26 11:22:07 UTC  

every leftie globalist government wants that

2018-02-26 11:22:33 UTC  

otherwise they wouldn't be pumping all that bullshit into your brain through the education system

2018-02-26 11:22:55 UTC  

okay so we should erase history by downplaying the bad parts

2018-02-26 11:23:20 UTC  

no, but you shouldn't focus merely on the bad parts in a way designed to make you feel guilty about it

2018-02-26 11:23:25 UTC  

Nowhere is our education system is the FACT that EUROPEANS have nearly eradicated poverty off the face of this earth peddled. Why is that? Why is it that our education system focuses only on the aspects of white history so as to provoke GUILT? Have you ever for once considered this? Did you know that because of EUROPEAN free market ideas and vaccinations, poverty has been reduced by 90%... worldwide?

2018-02-26 11:23:49 UTC  

not to mention much of those bad parts is lies

2018-02-26 11:23:54 UTC  

and half truths

2018-02-26 11:24:20 UTC  

But of course the communists continue to harp on about how “unjust” the world is. Why? Because they aren’t educated on how good the EUROPEANS have made the world through their societal advancements.

2018-02-26 11:24:49 UTC  

A 90% global reduction in poverty, yet the socialists continue to claim the European model doesn’t work. An absurdity.

2018-02-26 11:25:10 UTC  

i'm white and i have never once felt guilty about things my ancestors did. do you know why? because i didn't do it. that's the same reason i don't feel pride in what my ancestors did

2018-02-26 11:26:27 UTC  

same, but our personal experience is quite irrelevant when speaking about a much wider scale of people

2018-02-26 11:27:25 UTC  

And that my friend, is the individualistic, self centred nihilism which is destroying each and every country. What an empty world. Your ancestors would have wanted you to feel PRIDE for their achievements, because they did much good in the world. They eradicated poverty. But much of the west is too self centred and materialistic (isn’t it ironic how the communists are the self centered ones!) to care.

2018-02-26 11:28:29 UTC  

How do we achieve true MEANING in our lives? Is it by trodding along this empty path of self serving nothingness? I reject that. Nationalists reject that.

2018-02-26 11:29:00 UTC  

you can make whatever meaning in your life you want, i don't think the meaning in life is to segregate ourselves by arbitrary characteristics

2018-02-26 11:30:59 UTC  

But it is the NATURAL CONDITION of the human race to want to associate with those most like themselves, and those who share a common past and therefore future. Why are political parties invariably balkanised by race? Why do individuals always seek to marry individuals of their race in an exponentially higher rate than other races? Because they are given FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION, and given this, the individual chooses members of their own tribe.

2018-02-26 11:31:55 UTC  

Multiculturalism is state enforced and unnatural. It is not the natural condition of the human race, and it does nothing but divide up the nation inevitably into quabbling and immorality.

2018-02-26 11:33:16 UTC  

so the united states forces people of other cultures to move there then?

2018-02-26 11:34:06 UTC  

That’s what an immigration policy, funded by big business and the cheap labor lobby, is called, yes.

2018-02-26 11:36:33 UTC  

I don't buy into america forcing anyone to move there. if you wanna talk about big business and the cheap labor market you can talk about exploiting people in other countries. I don't think that Apple would want the people making their iphones to be americans because then they would have to actually pay them a decent wage

2018-02-26 11:41:59 UTC  

Yup. Spot on. And naturally, people move to have a higher wage, although it is a surprisingly LOW number of individuals who actually make the decision to immigrate despite the invariable fact that a better lifestyle awaits them in the west. When they arrive, these third worlders depress wages for the entire working class, and provoke resentment amongst the majority as they tend to vote in blocs, resulting in a chain reaction of balkanised political disaster. Putnam’s 2005 study showed that diversity decreases social trust exponentially and results in substantially less communal involvement - a “hunkering down,” he concluded, of the nation. Multiculturalism is anathema to the idea of a nation. Putnam didn’t even want to release the findings of his study because he believed it would undermine trust in the western multicultural system. Doesn’t that tell you everything you need to know about multiculturalism? It is an Orwellian lie, based upon the unscientific and false premise that “diversity is our strength,” and therefore in the interest of the people who are accepting the immigrants.

2018-02-26 11:51:42 UTC  

we simply have different solutions to that issue, then. i believe that abolishing capital would end the exploitation of people for cheap labor and also prevent people from being forced to go somewhere just because of money, and I also believe this solution would be better because it maximizes freedom

2018-02-26 12:00:22 UTC  

I can respect that unlike many leftists you are honest and acknowledge at least some of the inevitable web of conundrums which come with immigration of other cultures and ethnicities. However, your proposed solution is a false one because it is anathema to the human condition. Capital, and the capitalistic system in general, has been the foundation of the innovative European mind which has allowed us to do so much good in a very short period of time. Without capital there is no incentive through which innovation can be financed - and the incentivised promulgation of ideas is the natural nature of humanity. But of course, the proposed elimination of capital, as flawed as it is, does not even begin to touch on the other issues of immigration - most notably the inherent distrust and division it fosters within the nation state, and the fact that given reasonable labor laws (as there are throughout the west) there IS NO EXPLOITATION of the labour - one of the best ways to measure this is through political stability and wage price increases since the 1900’s. The EXPLOITATION and DIVISION only comes in the importation of hundreds of thousands of individuals who share a different cultural system (even if it is as respectable as the domestic one) and therefore reduce wages and foster hatred.

2018-02-26 12:00:45 UTC  

This has been a productive and enjoyable conversation, but I must go.

2018-02-26 12:02:17 UTC  

okay, see you

2018-02-26 14:40:46 UTC  

@EthRabbi Now this guy get's it.

2018-02-26 14:58:40 UTC  

wyh no one have roles

2018-02-26 15:01:28 UTC  

@maytriks Firefly hasn't done anything with the server.

2018-02-26 15:01:39 UTC  


2018-02-26 15:01:46 UTC  

will he ever do anything

2018-02-26 15:02:01 UTC  

Probably not.

2018-02-26 15:02:08 UTC  

He has practically given up on it.

2018-02-26 15:02:30 UTC  

No mods, he only comes here once a week for a few minutes to post porn and propaganda.

2018-02-26 15:02:44 UTC  


2018-02-26 15:03:01 UTC  

then leave this shitty ass server and join one that is moderated

2018-02-26 15:03:37 UTC  

Show me a leftist server that dosen't have corrupt mods.

2018-02-26 15:04:10 UTC  
