Message from @RobotWizard

Discord ID: 417976347550285834

2018-02-27 09:25:30 UTC  

so much fucking strawman paranoia

2018-02-27 09:25:32 UTC  

how so? 😐

2018-02-27 09:26:00 UTC  

I mean, how can genders be made up?

2018-02-27 09:26:04 UTC  

Well think of it like

2018-02-27 09:26:08 UTC  

throughout history

2018-02-27 09:26:15 UTC  

The roles each gender played

2018-02-27 09:26:22 UTC  

have changed dramatically

2018-02-27 09:26:28 UTC  

to the point

2018-02-27 09:26:37 UTC  

that you cant really lock anything down seriously

2018-02-27 09:26:46 UTC  

as being definitively manly

2018-02-27 09:26:54 UTC  

or absolutely feminine

2018-02-27 09:27:01 UTC  

and often there's a lot in between

2018-02-27 09:27:18 UTC  

Case in point crying in western culture is unmanly but much more accepted in some other cultures

2018-02-27 09:27:47 UTC  

hell even studying pre-industrial families

2018-02-27 09:27:55 UTC  

is crazy

2018-02-27 09:28:05 UTC  

cause half of what we consider traditional

2018-02-27 09:28:11 UTC  

is just industrial age stuff

2018-02-27 09:28:18 UTC  

regarding gender roles .etc

2018-02-27 09:28:25 UTC  

ok I understand that, gender roles change dramatically. especialy with industralization etc. But still, some things are considered as female roles across cultures? like cooking, raising kids etc. ?

2018-02-27 09:28:41 UTC  

and it is closly related to biological sex

2018-02-27 09:28:46 UTC  

but that stuff is also a consequence of circumstances

2018-02-27 09:28:49 UTC  

and is made up

2018-02-27 09:28:56 UTC  

I mean, I aint anthropol. expert. But are not male and female gender/sex from birth of a man? and lately we got those new gender roles

2018-02-27 09:29:23 UTC  

we have expectations of what one sex is capable of

2018-02-27 09:29:34 UTC  

I don't expect to be able to suck cock with a woman

2018-02-27 09:29:37 UTC  

They're are only three genders

2018-02-27 09:29:40 UTC  


2018-02-27 09:29:43 UTC  


2018-02-27 09:29:47 UTC  

And intersex

2018-02-27 09:29:56 UTC  

pretty much

2018-02-27 09:30:04 UTC  

but its just an arbitrary need to categorize things

2018-02-27 09:30:11 UTC  

Theres people that dont want to be either and thats okay

2018-02-27 09:30:23 UTC  
2018-02-27 09:30:24 UTC  

the ideal would be no labels at all

2018-02-27 09:30:49 UTC  

People are half way there when they mock that shit

2018-02-27 09:31:11 UTC  

they just don't think about to its fullest because they can be idiots

2018-02-27 09:31:17 UTC  

and go durr hurr I'm an attack helicopter

2018-02-27 09:31:30 UTC  

yeah people get triggered

2018-02-27 09:31:39 UTC  

"my masculinity is under attack!!"

2018-02-27 09:31:49 UTC  

@RobotWizard that helicopter meme was funny a year ago

2018-02-27 09:32:06 UTC  

memes are a spook