Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 418250738058264578

2018-02-28 03:25:18 UTC  

Honestly I find nationalissm to not be syncretic with Marx's teachings

2018-02-28 03:25:18 UTC

2018-02-28 03:25:39 UTC

2018-02-28 03:25:44 UTC  

Commies b gay

2018-02-28 03:26:12 UTC  

I do agree with some of his political theory his statement that "power grows out the barrel of a gun" is pretty apt

2018-02-28 03:26:33 UTC  

So do you think vanguardism works?

2018-02-28 03:30:39 UTC  

@RobotWizard It's a common misconception that Mao was all about nationalism, but that simply isn't the case. In the spirit of Marxism, he was a fervent internationalist and stressed the fact that he opposed "narrow nationalism and narrow patriotism". As for vanguardism, it definitely works. This is evidenced by the successes of the Russian and Chinese revolutions in which the vanguard party played an active role. Vanguardism just makes sense, from a theoretical as well as a practical perspective.

2018-02-28 03:31:42 UTC  

Without vanguardism, the revolutions would have never advanced like they did.

2018-02-28 03:33:53 UTC

2018-02-28 03:36:01 UTC

2018-02-28 03:36:44 UTC  

Eww Maoism

2018-02-28 03:36:52 UTC  

Too far left

2018-02-28 03:36:56 UTC  

Maoism is 🔥

2018-02-28 03:36:57 UTC  


2018-02-28 03:37:14 UTC  

"I accidentally starved millions of people to death" - Mao Zedong

2018-02-28 03:37:22 UTC  


2018-02-28 03:37:29 UTC  

Great Leap Forward

2018-02-28 03:37:46 UTC  

Oh great, here we go again.. *sigh*

2018-02-28 03:38:49 UTC  

So you're a Mao apologist?

2018-02-28 03:39:06 UTC  

I don't have to apologize for Chairman Mao. Lol

2018-02-28 03:39:53 UTC  

So uhh

2018-02-28 03:39:56 UTC  

He did many, many wonderful things for the Chinese people and the international socialist movement. Did he make some mistakes? Sure. He was human after all. But he didn't starve millions of people.

2018-02-28 03:40:08 UTC  

On another note

2018-02-28 03:40:15 UTC  

How about that Holodomor?

2018-02-28 03:40:25 UTC  

What about it?

2018-02-28 03:41:11 UTC  

I'm back sorry was afk for a second

2018-02-28 03:41:44 UTC  


Stalin and Mao prove that communism has not been successfully attempted...thus far, it has always resulted in the leaders of the revolution keeping power, while the peasants suffer. We have yet to see true communism achieved anywhere.

2018-02-28 03:41:51 UTC  

Lemme guess.. Big Bad Stalin systematically starved millions of Ukrainians? Yeah, he paid the clouds to rain and murdered tons of people for personal gain.

2018-02-28 03:41:58 UTC  

Oh no

2018-02-28 03:42:05 UTC

2018-02-28 03:42:08 UTC  

That was a horrifying accident

2018-02-28 03:42:08 UTC  

Love that

2018-02-28 03:42:22 UTC  

My issue with vanguardism is its potential to dissolve in authoritarianism, and that the party does not have the ability to self-critique

2018-02-28 03:42:45 UTC  

ultimately the party just creates a new bourgeoisie made of red bureaucrats

2018-02-28 03:42:46 UTC

2018-02-28 03:44:26 UTC  

Can i see a source

2018-02-28 03:45:07 UTC  

@RobotWizard That's a common complaint among Trots and Anarchists. "Authoritarianism" means nothing to me in this regard as the revolution is not a tea party, and discipline is essential in ensuring the survival of the revolution. As for self-critique, democratic centralism as theorized by Lenin necessitates the free flow of ideas within the party.

2018-02-28 03:46:07 UTC  

The principle of democratic centralism and autonomy for local Party organisations implies universal and full freedom to criticise, so long as this does not disturb the unity of a definite action; it rules out all criticism which disrupts or makes difficult the unity of anaction decided on by the Party.

2018-02-28 03:46:21 UTC  

limiting the area of acceptable discourse to only the confines of the party is the problem

2018-02-28 03:46:30 UTC