Message from @igge
Discord ID: 592385833001025539
salty liquorice
and folkøl
Haha yeah
I mean if she was a boy
Snus would be cool
But bo
Okay some Liquorice might be fun
I doubt she will like it
snus is illegal in Poland tho
they dont check
>I love london
t. never been to london
I like London
Some parts was shitty
Also I would never want to live there
I liked it too
been a couple years tho
i beat crash nitro kart for the ps2 in an afternoon
You must have a gigantic penis
where are you from seth
Kansas USA
do you own a gun?
oh.. shit
Nah he's my cousin
That's 70 grams of keks right there
well seth you will have to change your avatar we cant have people publicly endorsing nazism here
seth is half tibetan
Aight I'll leave then
dont just assume people are nazis
Just let him be