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2018-05-16 16:46:30 UTC [domek #generalik]  


ganz gut

und selbst


not really

why do you think it is?

bretty good

lurking and listening to music mostly

my own 😃

its kinda breakcoreish



black and death metal are the only genres I still like

when it comes to meal I mean



recently I have been listening der weg einer freiheit, or drudkh

and some other band with letters I dont have on my keyboard

Auðn is the other one

I think so

yea iceland infact

one of my all time favs tho is helrunar

specifically their sol album

hey uhm when you said core earlier what kind of music do you have in mind?

like punk?

or electronic music

yea no thats not what I meant

wait a sec

I don't like it too much either but this guy got me into it


I just wanted to make my name sound over the top


their lyrics are kinda weak tho

its like optimistic humanitarian

yea good thing you don't understand german

me neither but I can't overhear it

I am in it for the sound

do you have a band you can recommend to me?

is it fast?


I will see


there is one doom album I dig a lot

Ahab — The Call of the Wretched Sea


havent heard much doom so maybe I would like other bands too

but most other doom I heard wasnt that heavy

they often would have clean vocals and shit

and I also like the theme of the band/album

the west of eastern germany



I dont go outside

I know that my campus is full of leftists

but its my fault for studying humanities

lmao no

i dont like any party we have

but i voted left

I noticed that too



spd is cdu 2.0

as I said I dont like any party so I picked the one that was closest to my believes

next time i will prolly vote for some small <5% party


austria doesnt have either iirc

thats about as much as die linke got

you know recently I have struggled with myself wether I liked our democracy or not

but I came to terms with myself


I was a monarchist for a pretty long time lol

but then I realized that merkel *is* a monarch

well I think it has its advantages

its much quicker than democracies are

I am not a leftist


I guess you could call me a centrist

yea but if you compare germany with like china the chinese can plan more than 4years ahead becasue they dont need to worry over who wins the election and can act accordingly

they are working on it

china has ben hauling ass the last couple years

but thats what I noticed too, them democracy just have the highest living standards

cant be a coincidence

but the thought that made me actually 'like' our system was that we combine democracy, oligarchy and monarchy all in one system

division of power is an ingenious invention imo

are you interested in political philosophy?

I am kinda stuying it rn

political science+sociology


when the machines take over I can analyze how society is affected at least

yea the first 3 semesters I didnt like it but now I do a whole lot

guess I "grew up"

what do you do now?

oh geez

do your parents support you?


mgla is decent btw but doesnt really blow me aways


on what now?

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